City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17D
Chapter 17D.100
Section 17D.100.230

Title 17D City-wide Standards

Chapter 17D.100 Historic Preservation

Section 17D.100.230 Demolition Permits for Historic Structures in the Downtown Boundary Area and National Register Historic Districts
  1. No demolition permits for structures that are listed or eligible to be listed on the National or Local Register of Historic Places located in the area shown on Map 17D.100.230-M1, Downtown Boundary Area, and in all National Register Historic Districts shall be issued unless the structure to be demolished is to be replaced with a replacement structure that is approved by the commission under the following criteria:

    1. The replacement structure shall have a footprint square footage equal to or greater than the footprint square footage of the landmark structure to be demolished. The replacement structure must also have a floor area ratio equal to or greater than 60% of that of the landmark structure to be demolished. The square footage of the footprint may be reduced:

      1. to accommodate an area intended for public benefit, such as public green space and/or public art;

      2. if the owner submits plans in lieu for review and approval by the City’s design review board subject to applicable zoning and design guidelines; and

      3. if the replacement structure is, in the opinion of the HPO and the commission, and in consultation with the Design Review Board, compatible with the historic character of the Downtown Boundary Area or National Register Historic District, as appropriate.

    2. Any replacement structure under this section shall satisfy all applicable zoning and design guidelines, and shall be considered by the commission within thirty days of the commission’s receipt of an application for a certificate of appropriateness concerning the building for which a demolition permit is sought.

    3. A building permit for a replacement structure under this section must be accepted, processed, and issued prior to the issuance of the demolition permit. In the alternative, the owner may obtain a demolition permit prior to the issuance of the building permit if the owner demonstrates to the satisfaction of the director of building services, in consultation with the HPO, that the owner has a valid and binding commitment or commitments for financing sufficient for the replacement use subject only to unsatisfied contingencies that are beyond the control of the owner other than another commitment for financing; or has other financial resources that are sufficient (together with any valid and binding commitments for financing) and available for such purpose.

  2. Eligibility shall be determined by the commission within thirty (30) days of the submission of the application for a demolition permit. The applicant shall be responsible to submit a determination of eligibility demonstrating the ineligibility of the structure based upon the National Register Criteria for Evaluation (36 CFR 60). Applications for structures that are determined not to be listed or eligible to be listed on a National or Local Register of Historic Places shall be processed pursuant to existing regulations. 

  3. This section shall not apply to orders of the building official or fire marshal regarding orders that a structure be demolished due to public health, safety, or welfare concerns.

  4. If the commission issues a certificate of appropriateness for the demolition of an building on the national register or located within the downtown boundary zone, such certificate shall include conditions such as:

    1. any temporary measures deemed necessary by the commission for the condition of the resulting property after the demolition, including, without limitation, fencing or other screening of the property;

    2. the provision of ongoing, specific site security measures;

    3. salvage of any historically significant artifacts or fixtures, determined in consultation with the HPO prior to demolition;

    4. limitations on the extent of the demolition permitted, such that only non-historically significant portions of the property are subject to demolition;

    5. if construction on a replacement structure is not commenced on the site within six (6) months of the issuance of the certificate, the owner must landscape the site for erosion protection and weed control and provide for solid waste clean-up;

    6. abatement of any hazardous substances on the property prior to demolition;

    7. requirement for dust control during the demolition process; and

    8. that the certificate of appropriateness for demolition of the building is valid for three months.

Date Passed: Monday, February 12, 2018

Effective Date: Saturday, March 31, 2018

ORD C35580 Section 2

September 27, 2024