City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17D
Chapter 17D.100
Section 17D.100.300

Title 17D City-wide Standards

Chapter 17D.100 Historic Preservation

Section 17D.100.300 Waiver of Review

The commission, at the request of the owner, may waive review under SMC 17D.100.240 through 17D.100.290 of those actions which may require a certificate of appropriateness or which may be within the scope of agreed management standards when the action will be reviewed by the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation or the National Park Service and will be subject to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties. The commission may choose to deny said request should it be determined by the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation or the National Park Service that the proposed action does not meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties

Date Passed: Monday, February 12, 2018

Effective Date: Saturday, March 31, 2018

ORD C35580 Section 2

September 27, 2024