City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17E
Chapter 17E.050
Section 17E.050.050

Title 17E Environmental Standards

Chapter 17E.050 SEPA

Article II. General Requirements

Section 17E.050.050 Other Timing and Additional Considerations Applicable to the SEPA Process
  1. The following time limits shall apply when there is no established agency procedure.

Threshold determinations:

    1. When the responsible official requires further information from the applicant or consultation with other agencies with jurisdiction:
      1. the responsible official should request such further information within seven days of receiving an adequate application and completed environmental checklist;
      1. the responsible official shall wait no longer than fourteen days for a consulted agency to respond;
      1. the responsible official should complete the threshold determination within seven days of receiving the requested information from the applicant or the consulted agency.
    1. When the responsible official must initiate further studies, including field investigations, to obtain the information to make the threshold determination, the responsible official should complete the studies within thirty days of receiving an adequate application and a completed checklist.
    1. The responsible official shall complete threshold determinations on actions where the applicant recommends in writing that an EIS be prepared within seven days.
  1. For nonexempt proposals, the DNS or final environmental impact statement (FEIS) for the proposal shall accompany the department’s staff recommendation to any advisory or final-action body.
  1. If the only action is a decision on a building permit or other license that requires detailed project plans and specifications, the City of Spokane shall provide the applicant with the opportunity for environmental review under SEPA before requiring the applicant to submit such detailed project plans and specifications.
    1. The City of Spokane may specify the amount of detail needed from the applicant for such early environmental review, consistent with WAC 197-11-100 and 197-11-335.
    1. This subsection does not preclude an applicant from preliminary discussions or exploration of ideas and options prior to commencing formal environmental review.

Date Passed: Monday, February 21, 2005

Effective Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2005

ORD C33583 Section 3

September 27, 2024