City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17E
Chapter 17E.050

Title 17E Environmental Standards

Chapter 17E.050 SEPA

Article I. Authority

Section 17E.050.010 Authority

Article II. General Requirements

Section 17E.050.020 Purpose of this Part and Adoption by Reference.
Section 17E.050.030 Designation of Responsible Official
Section 17E.050.040 Lead Agency Determination and Agency Responsibilities
Section 17E.050.050 Other Timing and Additional Considerations Applicable to the SEPA Process

Article III. Categorical Exemptions and Threshold Determinations

Section 17E.050.060 Purpose of this Part and Adoption by Reference.
Section 17E.050.070 Flexible Thresholds for Categorical Exemptions
Section 17E.050.080 Categorical Exemptions – Applicability
Section 17E.050.090 Use of Exemptions
Section 17E.050.100 Environmental Checklist
Section 17E.050.110 Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS)

Article IV. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

Section 17E.050.120 Purpose of this Part and Adoption by Reference.
Section 17E.050.130 Preparation of EIS – Additional Consideration
Section 17E.050.140 Additional Elements to be Covered in an EIS

Article V. Commenting

Section 17E.050.150 Adoption by Reference.
Section 17E.050.160 Public Notice
Section 17E.050.170 Designation of Official to Perform Consulted Agency Responsibilities for the City of Spokane

Article VI. Using Existing Environmental Documents

Section 17E.050.180 Purpose of this Part and Adoption by Reference.

Article VII. SEPA and Agency Decisions

Section 17E.050.190 Purpose of this Part and Adoption by Reference.
Section 17E.050.200 Substantive Authority
Section 17E.050.210 Appeals

Article VIII. Definitions

Section 17E.050.220 Purpose of this Part and Adoption by Reference

Article IX. Categorical Exemptions

Section 17E.050.230 Adoption by Reference
Section 17E.050.240 Certification of Emergencies

Article X. Agency Compliance

Section 17E.050.250 Purpose of this Part and Adoption by Reference
Section 17E.050.260 Critical Areas
Section 17E.050.270 Fees
Section 17E.050.280 Amending this Chapter
Section 17E.050.290 SEPA Public Information
Section 17E.050.300 Severability

Article XI. Forms

Section 17E.050.310 Adoption by Reference

September 26, 2024