City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17E
Chapter 17E.050
Section 17E.050.100

Title 17E Environmental Standards

Chapter 17E.050 SEPA

Article III. Categorical Exemptions and Threshold Determinations

Section 17E.050.100 Environmental Checklist
  1. A completed environmental checklist shall be filed prior to or at the same time as an application for a permit, license, certificate or other approval not exempted in this ordinance; except a checklist is not needed if the City of Spokane and the applicant agree an EIS is required, SEPA compliance has been completed, or SEPA compliance has been initiated by another agency. The checklist shall be in the form provided for in SMC 17E.050.310(1), which is based on the form in WAC 197-11-960 with the following questions added or modified.
    1. SMC 17E.050.310(1)(A)(7)(b), providing identification of other land owned or optioned by the proponent in the vicinity of the proposal.
    1. SMC 17E.050.310(1)(A)(13), dealing with the aquifer sensitive area, and the priority sewer service area.
    1. SMC 17E.050.310(1)(C), providing a full disclosure oath in the signature block.
    1. SMC 17E.050.310(1)(B)(8)(h), classified as “critical area.”
    1. SMC 17E.050.310(1)(A)(14)(a)(1) through (3), dealing with project impact to the critical aquifer recharge area/aquifer sensitive area.
    1. SMC 17E.050.310(1)(A)(14)(a)(4), dealing with use and handling of chemicals.
    1. SMC 17E.050.310(1)(A)(14)(b)(1) through (2), including water runoff or stormwater to be discharged and when known to describe the depths to groundwater and to bedrock.
    1. SMC 17E.050.310(1)(B)(14)(f) adding a footnote for how many vehicular trips during p.m. peak, a.m. peak, and weekday (twenty-four hours) would be generated, if known, by the completed project.
  1. For private proposals, the City of Spokane will require the applicant to complete the environmental checklist. For public proposals, the department initiating the proposal shall complete the environmental checklist for that proposal.
  1. The City of Spokane may require that it, and not the private applicant, will complete all, or part of, the environmental checklist for a private proposal if the applicant has provided inaccurate information on previous proposals or on proposals currently under consideration, or if the City of Spokane has technical information on a question or questions that is unavailable to the private applicant. The applicant shall reimburse the City of Spokane for time and effort so expended.
  1. During the review of the environmental checklist, the staff of the City of Spokane may make such changes or additions to the environmental checklist as are necessary to make it an accurate statement. Alternatively, the staff may return the checklist to the applicant for revisions and/or additional information.
  1. For projects submitted under an approved planned action under WAC 197-11-168, the City of Spokane shall use its existing environmental checklist form or may modify the environmental checklist form as provided in WAC 197-11-315. The modified environmental checklist form may be prepared and adopted along with, or as part of, a planned action ordinance, or developed after the ordinance is adopted. In either case, a proposed modified environmental checklist form must be sent to the department of ecology to allow at least a thirty-day review prior to use.

Date Passed: Monday, February 21, 2005

Effective Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2005

ORD C33583 Section 3

September 27, 2024