City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17E
Chapter 17E.060
Section 17E.060.380

Title 17E Environmental Standards

Chapter 17E.060 Shoreline Regulations

Article V. General Requirements for Shoreline Use and Modifications: Part III. Nonconforming Shoreline Situations

Section 17E.060.380 Nonconforming Uses and Structures
  1. Definition.

Nonconforming development is a shoreline use or structure that was lawfully constructed or established prior to the effective date of the Act, the SMP, or these shoreline regulations, or amendments thereto, but which does not conform to present regulations or standards of these shoreline regulations or the policies of the Act.

  1. In accordance with the requirements of this section, structures that were legally established prior to the SMP or these shoreline regulations, or amendments thereto, and are used for a conforming use but which are nonconforming with regard to setbacks, buffers or yards, area, bulk, height, or density may be maintained and repaired and may be enlarged or expanded provided that said enlargement does not increase the extent of nonconformity by further encroaching upon or extending into areas where construction or use would not be allowed for new development or uses.
  1. A nonconforming structure which is moved any distance must be brought into conformance with the applicable shoreline regulations and the Act.
  1. If a nonconforming structure is damaged to an extent not exceeding seventy-five percent of the replacement cost of the original structure, it may be reconstructed to those configurations existing immediately prior to the time the structure was damaged, provided that application is made for the permits necessary to restore the structure within six months of the date the damage occurred, all permits are obtained, and the restoration is completed within two years of permit issuance, except that nonconforming single-family residences, manufactured homes, and mobile homes may be reconstructed regardless of the extent of damage so long as application is made within the times required by this subsection.
  1. The replacement, expansion, or enlargement of nonconforming residential buildings (including single-family residences, manufactured homes, and mobile homes) shall achieve no net loss of shoreline ecological functions pursuant to SMC 17E.060.210 and adhere to the mitigation sequencing requirements in SMC 17E.060.220.
  1. Existing nonconforming residential buildings may be replaced within the existing footprint upon approval of a shoreline substantial development permit.
  1. For the replacement of manufactured homes and mobile homes, a greater building footprint than existed prior to replacement may be allowed in order to accommodate the conversion of single-wide manufactured homes to double-wide manufactured homes, upon approval of a shoreline conditional use permit.
  1. Existing nonconforming single-family residences may be enlarged or expanded in conformance with applicable bulk and dimensional standards upon approval of a shoreline conditional use permit and by conformance with the following requirements:
    1. An expansion or enlargement to the main structure or the addition of a normal appurtenance as defined in WAC 173-27-040(2)(g) and chapter 17A.020 SMC, Definitions, to the main structure shall only be accomplished by addition of space:
      1. above the main structure’s building footprint; and/or
      1. onto or behind that side of the main structure which is the farthest away from the ordinary high-water mark.

    1. If the requirements in SMC 17E.060.380((F))H((3))1(a) and (b) cannot be accomplished without causing significant harm to shoreline vegetation or other shoreline ecological functions, the director may require additional site analysis to determine if an alternative location for the expansion or enlargement of the structure is feasible.
  1. Existing residential buildings have a change in use to another legal, conforming use shall conform to the buffer and structure setback requirements and all other requirements of the entire SMP and Title 17C SMC, Land Use Standards.
  1. A use which is listed as a conditional use but which existed prior to adoption of these shoreline regulations or any amendment thereto, and for which a conditional use permit has not been obtained, shall be considered a nonconforming use.
  1. A structure for which a variance has been issued shall be considered a legal nonconforming structure, and the requirements of this section shall apply as they apply to preexisting nonconformities.
  1. A structure which is being or has been used for a nonconforming use shall not be used for a different nonconforming use, except as provided below, and only upon the approval of a shoreline conditional use permit.
    1. No reasonable alternative conforming use is practical.
    1. The proposed use will be is as consistent with the policies and provisions of the Act and these shoreline regulations and as compatible with the uses in the area as the preexisting use; and
    1. In addition, such conditions may be attached to the permit as are deemed necessary to assure compliance with the above findings, the requirements of these shoreline regulations and the policies in the Act and to assure that the use will not become a nuisance or a hazard.
  1. If a nonconforming use is discontinued for twelve consecutive months or for twelve months during any two-year period, the nonconforming rights shall expire and any subsequent use shall be conforming.
  1. An undeveloped lot, tract, parcel, site, or division of land which was established in accordance with local and state subdivision requirements prior to the effective date of the Act or the applicable shoreline regulations but which does not conform to the present lot size standards may be developed if permitted by other land use regulations of the City so long as such development conforms to all other requirements of the applicable shoreline regulations and the Act

Date Passed: Monday, April 19, 2021

Effective Date: Sunday, May 23, 2021

ORD C36034 Section 16

February 23, 2025