City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17G
Chapter 17G.061
Section 17G.061.210

Title 17G Administration and Procedures

Chapter 17G.061 Land Use Application Procedures

Section 17G.061.210 Public Notice
  1. Purpose. 

Public notice informs interested parties of the application at proper stages of the approval process and ensures opportunity for appropriate comment. Notice occurs through various means depending on the type of application and proposed action.

  1. General.
    1. The types of notice for various categories of permit applications and actions are listed in Table 17G.061.010-1. The specified types of notice are used for community meetings, notice of application, notice of public hearing, notice of decision, and notice of appeals, as applicable.  
    1. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide public notice and file a statutory declaration as evidence of compliance. 
  1. Types of Notice. 
    1. Individual Notice. 

Individual notice is given in writing by regular U.S. mail or by personal service. Notice shall be given to the following parties:

      1. All owners and taxpayers of record, as shown by the most recent Spokane County assessor’s record, and occupants of addresses of property located within a four-hundred-foot radius of any portion of the boundary of the subject property, including any property that is contiguous and under the same or common ownership and control (RCW 36.70B.040(2)). The department may expand the mailing to include areas adjacent to the access easements and areas on the opposite side of rights-of-way, rivers and other physical features;
      1. Any person who has made a written request to receive such notice, including any registered neighborhood organization as defined in chapter 17A.020 SMC representing the surrounding area;
      1. Any agency with jurisdiction identified by the director.
      1. The individual(s) designated pursuant to SMC 4.27.010(D) to receive written notice on behalf of the neighborhood council in which the project is located, at the address for such neighborhood council designee(s) that is on file with the City’s department of neighborhood services.
    1. Sign Notice.

Sign notice is given by installation of a sign on the site of the proposal adjacent to the most heavily traveled public street and located so as to be readable by the public. The director may require more than one sign if the site fronts on more than one arterial or contains more than three hundred feet of frontage on any street. 

      1. The notice sign must meet the following specifications: 
        1. It measures a minimum of four feet by four feet, but sign size may be increased in order to contain all of the required information.  
        1. It is constructed of material of sufficient weight and strength to withstand normal weather conditions.
        1. It is white with red lettering.
    1. Posted Notice.

Posting of the notice as a letter, identical in form and content to individual written notice, shall be posted at “official public notice posting locations,” including:

      1. The main City public library and the branch library within or nearest to the area subject to the pending action; 
      1. The space in City Hall officially designated for posting notices; and
      1. Any other public building or space that the city council formally designates as an official public notice posting location, including electronic locations. 
    1. Newspaper Notice. 

Newspaper notice is published in a legal newspaper of general circulation. The contents of the newspaper notice are as prescribed in subsection (D) of this section. Newspaper notices are published on the same day of two consecutive weeks, the first no later than the number of days specified for the particular application type specified in this chapter. 

    1. Other Notice. 

The hearing examiner, with respect to permit applications for non-site specific issues, such as essential public facilities, may require or provide for such alternative or additional notice as deemed necessary and appropriate to serve the public interest. A notification plan may be required of the applicant by the hearing examiner indicating the form and time of notice appropriate to the scope and complexity of the proposed project. 

  1. Contents of Notice. 
    1. Individual, Newspaper, and Posted Notice. 

The following information shall be included: 

      1. All application types:
  1. Location of the property sufficient to clearly locate the site.
  1. Description of the proposed action and required permits.
  1. Name, address, and office telephone number of the City official from whom additional information may be obtained.
  1. Applicant name and telephone number.
  1. Statement that any person may submit written comments and appear at the public hearing, if applicable.
  1. A statement that comments will be received on environmental issues, any environmental documents related to the proposed action, the SEPA status, and the appeal deadline for SEPA.
  1. A statement that written comments and oral testimony at a hearing will be made a part of the record, if applicable.
  1. A statement, in bold type, that only the applicant, persons submitting written comments, and persons testifying at a hearing may appeal the decision.
  1. Date and time by which any written comments must be received on the notice of application; and
  1. Date of the application and date of the notice of complete application.
      1. An application requiring a community meeting shall also include a notice of community meeting with the date, time, and place of the meeting.
      1. An application requiring a public hearing shall also include a notice of public hearing with the date, time, and place of the hearing.
    1. Sign Notice.

Sign notices must contain the following information: 

      1. The first line of text on the sign in four-inch letters reads: “NOTICE OF COMMUNITY MEETING” or the applicable notice type.
      1. The second line of text on the sign in three-inch letters reads: "PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, File #Z------ -CUP" or some other appropriate description of the proposed action.
      1. The third line of text on the sign in three-inch letters reads: "COMMUNITY MEETING ON/PUBLIC HEARING ON/COMMENTS DUE BY (date, time, and location)."
      1. The subsequent line(s) of text, in three-inch letters, contain additional details as indicated for the project type in Table 17G.061.010-1.
      1. The applicant (or agent) name and phone number, the SEPA status, and the deadline for appeal of the SEPA determination.
      1. The last line of text on the sign in three-inch letters reads: "FOR INFORMATION: (City contact telephone number and web page address where additional project information may be found).”
      1. The following figures illustrate posted notice signs:

Example "A"

PUBLIC HEARING ON : 1/1/2004 AT 9:00 A.M.
Proposed Zone: C1
Proposed Use: Warehouse
Applicant/Agent: John Doe, Phone (509) 999-0001
SEPA: DNS, appeal deadline 12/24/03
FOR INFORMATION: (509) 625-6300

Example "B"


PUBLIC COMMENT DUE : 1/1/2004 AT 9:00 A.M.
Proposed Use: Commercial
Applicant/Agent: John Doe, Phone (509) 999-0001
SEPA: DNS, appeal deadline 12/24/03
FOR INFORMATION: (509) 625-6300



  1. Removal of Public Notice.
    1. Posted notices shall be removed within seven days after the close of the public hearing or by the due date of the decision on a ministerial permit.
    1. If a posted notice remains on a site more than fourteen days after the time limitation stated above, the City shall remove and dispose of the sign and charge the applicant or other person responsible for the notice.

Date Passed: Monday, November 20, 2023

Effective Date: Monday, January 1, 2024

ORD C36459 Section 35

February 23, 2025