City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17G
Chapter 17G.070
Section 17G.070.125

Title 17G Administration and Procedures

Chapter 17G.070 Planned Unit Developments

Section 17G.070.125 Site Preparation
  1. Purpose.

To consider the resulting impact of the development on surrounding properties by the proposed layout, preparation and construction of the planned unit development. Any new development in an area will have an impact on the surrounding properties. Along with the flexibility permitted in the PUD concept comes the responsibility to make sure that the relaxation of these standards does not have the detrimental impact that the standards were designed to avoid, While the PUD provides options for the developer, it also is to insure adequate protection and benefit for the public.

  1. Design Standards.
    1. Structures, roadways and other site improvements shall be designed to blend with the natural topography with minimal disturbance and grade changes. Large cuts and fills requiring tall or long retaining walls are to be avoided. (P)
    1. The finished site grading shall transition smoothly to the contours of the adjacent properties and terracing should be used in areas where severe grading is necessary. (P)
    1. To conserve energy, buildings shall be orientated to take advantage of solar gain. (C)
    1. The project design shall minimize impervious surfaces. (P)
    1. Stormwater management areas should be designed to be integral features of the overall project. (R)
    1. Open space included within the PUD should be adequate in area and dimensions for active, as well as passive, recreation of the residents. (P)
    1. Project service elements such as storage areas, trash enclosures, maintenance facilities and similar features shall be screened from view from the street and adjoining properties using dense landscaping and architecturally compatible building materials. (R)

    1. The proposed site design shall take into consideration, and be compatible with, the functional operation, orientation, site design and architectural expression of the surrounding developments, or that adequate transition and/or buffers be provided to and from the site. (P)

Date Passed: Monday, September 24, 2012

Effective Date: Friday, November 2, 2012

ORD C34914 Section 6

September 26, 2024