City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17G
Chapter 17G.070

Title 17G Administration and Procedures

Chapter 17G.070 Planned Unit Developments

Section 17G.070.010 Purpose
Section 17G.070.020 Applicability
Section 17G.070.030 Development Standards
Section 17G.070.100 Design Standards
Section 17G.070.115 Plan and Code Conformance
Section 17G.070.120 Significant Features
Section 17G.070.125 Site Preparation
Section 17G.070.130 Landscaping
Section 17G.070.135 Compatibility with Surrounding Areas
Section 17G.070.140 Community Environment
Section 17G.070.145 Circulation
Section 17G.070.150 Lighting
Section 17G.070.200 Application Process
Section 17G.070.210 Time Limits
Section 17G.070.220 Vesting

September 26, 2024