City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17G
Chapter 17G.070
Section 17G.070.140

Title 17G Administration and Procedures

Chapter 17G.070 Planned Unit Developments

Section 17G.070.140 Community Environment
  1. Purpose.
    To create usable and interesting open spaces, good pedestrian circulation and safety and create a sense of community that encourages neighbors to interact through the placement of buildings within a planned unit development. PUDs are often designed to somewhat function as a community in and of themselves. While this might be preferable for the residents thereof, the development itself must be considered as part of a larger community fabric. This consideration could have an impact on such elements as pedestrian and vehicular circulation, building orientation, intersection locations, etc. Within the development, the tighter placement of buildings, designated open spaces and reduced road widths create the perfect opportunity to reinforce a community feeling and inter-dependence of neighbors in the particular PUD. It has been observed that people out in the street in front of their homes not only deter crime, but also enable people to get to know one another and become better neighbors.
  2. Design Standards.
    1. The entryways of the buildings should be well defined and oriented to the street. (P)
    2. The building elevations, with particular attention to the street-facing façade, shall be articulated by the use of color, arrangement, materials or architectural details to give visual interest to the structure. (R)
    3. The buildings should be located and oriented in a manner that takes into consideration the preservation of privacy for the occupants. (P)
    4. Driveways, garages and open parking areas shall be integrated into the overall design to ensure that they are not dominant features along street frontages. (R)
    5. Garages wider than twenty-five feet shall meet the articulation requirements in the multifamily design standards. (R)
    6. Energy conservation should be addressed by the building’s solar orientation and the planting of appropriate landscape materials in proper locations. (C)
    7. Off-street service entrances should preferably be accessed from alleyways or the rear of the buildings. (C)
    8. Multiple buildings on the same project site shall be placed and designed to create a cohesive visual and functional relationship integrated with adequate surrounding open spaces. (C)
    9. Any joint use public facilities or common spaces should be conveniently located for the occupants or other intended users. (P)
    10. Improvements fronting any intersection within the development should contribute to the intersection being recognized as a focal point. Surface parking lots that front on the intersection are discouraged. (C)
    11. Any ground floor parking within a structure should be buffered from view on the street facing sides by another use, architectural treatment or landscaping. (P)

Date Passed: Monday, September 24, 2012

Effective Date: Friday, November 2, 2012

ORD C34914 Section 9

September 26, 2024