City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17H
Chapter 17H.010
Section 17H.010.060

Title 17H Engineering Standards

Chapter 17H.010 Street Development Standards

Section 17H.010.060 Street Width - General
  1. Minimum curb-to-curb street widths are shown in Tables 17H.010-1 and 17H.010-2. Street width varies based on the required street elements including number of lanes, on-street parking, bike lane, median, and turn lanes.
  1. Generally, street design shall allow for a twenty-feet clear width for emergency vehicle access. New streets with less than a twenty-feet clear width shall provide emergency vehicle staging areas as described in SMC 17H.010.140.
  1. The clear width may be reduced to fourteen feet on each side of a median for distances of fifty linear feet or less.  This may be used for purposes of traffic calming, crosswalks or neighborhood entry medians.  
  1. Where infill development occurs on partially constructed blocks, the proposed street width may match the existing street width for the rest of that block.

Table 17H.010-1

Arterial Right-of-way Widths


Right-of-way Width

Street Width




Curb to Curb

ARTERIAL (all types)

2 lanes2

60 ft

60 ft – 80 ft


3 lanes2

65 ft

65 ft – 80 ft


4 lanes2

75 ft

75 ft – 100 ft


5 lanes2

90 ft

80 ft – 100 ft


6 lanes2

100 ft

90 ft - 110 ft


7 lanes2

100 ft

90 ft – 125 ft



1Additional right-of-way may be required if roadside swales are used to control storm drainage, for bike lanes if designated on the plan, or for wider sidewalks depending on the zoning.

2Lanes can be through lanes, turn pockets, or continuous TWLTL.

3Curb-to-curb width varies depending on street features including number of lanes, on-street parking, bike lane, median and turn lanes.  See Design Standards for more detail.


Table 17H.010-2

Local Access Right-of-way and Street Widths


Minimum Right-of-way Width1

Minimum Street Width


Sidewalks in ROW

Sidewalks on Easements

Curb to Curb



60 ft.

50 ft.

36 ft.

Residential High Density2

60 ft.

50 ft.

36 ft.

Residential Standard3

56 ft.

46 ft.

32 ft.

Residential One-side Parking4

51 ft.

41 ft.

27 ft.

Hillside Development4,5

40 ft.

35 ft.

27 ft.

Cul-de-sac (radius)

56 ft.

51 ft.

50 ft.


20 ft.

20 ft.

12 ft.


1Additional right-of-way may be required if roadside swales are used to control storm drainage.

2Appropriate in areas where parking on both sides of the street is expected on a regular basis, such as apartment complexes.  Refer to SMC 17H.010.070 for more information.

3Appropriate in areas where homes have street-facing garages and driveways for parking.  On-street parking is used by visitors and extra vehicles.  Refer to SMC 17H.010.070 for more information.

4Parking is allowed on one side of the street only. Refer to SMC 17H.010.120 for on-street parking requirements.

5Refer to SMC 17H.010.110 for more information.

6Alleys do not require sidewalk or curb. The widths shown apply to right-of-way and pavement width.





Date Passed: Monday, November 30, 2020

Effective Date: Sunday, January 3, 2021

ORD C35985 Section 3

February 23, 2025