Title 17C Land Use Standards
Chapter 17C.120 Commercial Zones
Section 17C.120.580 Plazas and Other Open Spaces
- Purpose.
To provide a pedestrian-friendly environment by creating a variety of usable and interesting open spaces within private development.
- Plazas and Other Open Spaces Implementation.
- New buildings over forty thousand square feet shall have plazas, courtyards or other pedestrian spaces at or near their main entrances. (R)
- Plazas and other open spaces shall be a minimum of one square foot of plaza per one hundred square feet of building area. This area may count toward the interior landscaping required. (P)
- Plazas, courtyards and other pedestrian space shall include at least three of the following: (P)
- Special interest landscape.
- Pedestrian scale bollard or other accent lighting.
- Special paving, such as colored/stained concrete, brick or other unit paver.
- Artwork.
- Seating, such as benches, tables, or low seating walls.
- Water feature.

Date Passed: Monday, October 16, 2023
Effective Date: Thursday, November 23, 2023
ORD C36448 Section 2