Title 17C Land Use Standards
Chapter 17C.130 Industrial Zones
Section 17C.130.540 Treating Blank Walls – Building Design
- Purpose.
To mitigate blank walls by providing visual interest.
- Treating Blank Walls Implementation.
When this building design element is chosen:
- Where windows are not provided on walls (or portions of walls) facing streets or visible from right-of-way, at least two of the following elements shall be incorporated: (R)
- Masonry (but not flat concrete block).
- Concrete or masonry plinth at wall base.
- Belt courses of a different texture and color.
- Projecting cornice.
- Projecting metal canopy.
- Decorative tilework.
- Trellis containing planting.
- Medallions.
- Opaque or translucent glass windows.
- Artwork such as sculptures, murals, inlays, mosaics or elements integrated with the project.
- Vertical articulation.
- Lighting fixtures.
- Recesses.
- An architectural element not listed above, as approved, that meets the intent.

Date Passed: Monday, November 7, 2005
Effective Date: Thursday, December 15, 2005
ORD C33757 Section 1