Title 17C Land Use Standards
Chapter 17C.230 Parking and Loading
Section 17C.230.145 Development Standards for Residential Uses
- Purpose
The size and placement of vehicle parking areas are regulated in order to enhance the appearance of neighborhoods.

- Structures These Regulations Apply To
The regulations of this section apply to residential uses in the RA, R1, R2, RMF, RHD, FBC CA4 zones. The regulations apply to required and excess parking areas. Parking for mobile home parks is regulated in chapter 17C.345 SMC, Manufactured Homes and Manufactured Home Parks.
- Parking Area Locations
- Parking spaces are not allowed within the first twenty feet from a front lot line or within side street lot line setback.
- Utility trailers, motorized recreation vehicles and non-motorized accessory recreational vehicles cannot be stored in the first twenty feet from the front lot line nor the side street line.
- Driveway Width

- In the RA and R1 zones, no more than forty percent of the land area between the front lot line and the front building line may be paved or used for vehicle areas. In addition, on corner lots, no more than twenty percent of the land area between the side street lot line and the side street building line may be paved or used for vehicle areas. As an exception to the area limitations in this subparagraph, a lot is allowed at least a nine-foot wide vehicle area.
- In the R2, RMF, RHD, FBC CA4 zones, no more than twenty percent of the land area between the front lot line and the front building line may be paved or used for vehicle areas. In addition, on corner lots no more than twenty percent of the land area between the side street lot line and the side street building line may be paved or used for vehicle areas. As an exception to the area limitations in this paragraph, a lot is allowed at least a nine-foot wide vehicle area.
- Exception.
Driveway coverage in the residential zones may exceed the size limitations of (4)(a) and (4)(b) above when the subject property is located on a principal arterial and the increase in site coverage is due to inadequate maneuvering area for the safe exit of vehicles from the site. The exception to driveway coverage is reviewed by the engineering services department as a portion of the driveway access permit.
- Parking in Garages.
Parking in garages is subject to the garage setback standards of the base zone, overlay zone or plan district.
- Parking Space Sizes
A parking space must be at least nine feet by eighteen feet. The minimum driveway width on private property is nine feet.
- Paving
- Generally.
All driveways and parking areas must be covered in an all weather surface.
- Exceptions.
- Gravel surfaces may be approved by engineering services when the abutting street is not paved, and the applicant executes a covenant agreeing to pave the area if the street is paved in the future.
- Utility trailers, motorized recreational vehicles and non-motorized accessory recreational vehicles may be stored on unpaved surfaces. A gravel surface is not required.
Date Passed: Monday, October 16, 2023
Effective Date: Thursday, November 23, 2023
ORD C36448 Section 3