Title 17C Land Use Standards
Chapter 17C.255 Skywalks
Section 17C.255.525 Angulation and Slope
- Purpose. To convey a sense of structural stability to pedestrians and drivers, a skywalk structure should be as horizontal as feasible, and as orthogonal to the street grid as feasible.
- Angulation and Slope Implementation
- The horizontal angulation of the skywalk off the centerline of the right of way should not exceed five percent of the width of the right of way. (P)
- The vertical slope of the skywalk structure should not exceed one percent of the width between the connecting buildings’ contact points. (P)
- No skywalk’s structure should have an arch with a rise between the lowest end and the midpoint greater than a five percent slope. (P)
Date Passed: Monday, May 9, 2022
Effective Date: Sunday, June 19, 2022
ORD C36205 Section 9