City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17D
Chapter 17D.020

Title 17D City-wide Standards

Chapter 17D.020 Financial Guarantees

Section 17D.020.010 Financial Guarantee
Section 17D.020.020 Form of Guarantee
Section 17D.020.030 Amount of Guarantee
Section 17D.020.040 Assistance in Determining Estimated Costs
Section 17D.020.050 Supplemental Administrative Costs
Section 17D.020.060 Project Agreement
Section 17D.020.070 Irrevocable License Signed by the Owner of the Subject Property
Section 17D.020.080 Release of Financial Guarantee
Section 17D.020.090 Use of Proceeds – Notice to Property Owner
Section 17D.020.100 Use of Proceeds – Work by City
Section 17D.020.110 Use of Proceeds – Refund of Excess – Charge for All Costs
Section 17D.020.120 Use of Nonrefundable Cash Deposit
Section 17D.020.130 Itemized Statement

September 26, 2024