City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17F
Chapter 17F.040

Title 17F Construction Standards

Chapter 17F.040 Building Code

Section 17F.040.010 Adoption of Building Codes and Related Washington State Codes
Section 17F.040.020 Adoption of Appendix
Section 17F.040.030 Historic Buildings
Section 17F.040.040 Affordable Housing
Section 17F.040.050 REPEALED (Administration)
Section 17F.040.060 Fees
Section 17F.040.070 REPEALED (Permits)
Section 17F.040.075 Building/Demolition Permit Conditions – Solid Waste
Section 17F.040.080 Parking Lot and Site Work Permit
Section 17F.040.085 Sublevel Construction Controls
Section 17F.040.090 Deferred Submittals
Section 17F.040.100 Early Start Approval
Section 17F.040.105 Design Criteria
Section 17F.040.110 Unsafe Buildings
Section 17F.040.120 REPEALED (Roof Design)
Section 17F.040.125 REPEALED (Alternating Tread Devices)
Section 17F.040.130 Special Skywalk Provisions
Section 17F.040.140 Awnings
Section 17F.040.150 Building Inspector – Building Official
Section 17F.040.160 Functions of Building Inspector
Section 17F.040.170 Fire Official
Section 17F.040.180 Hearing Officer – Construction Review Board
Section 17F.040.190 Unapproved Work
Section 17F.040.200 Emergency Exemptions for Housing for Indigent Persons

September 26, 2024