City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 13
Chapter 13.03
Section 13.03.0732

Title 13 Public Utilities and Services

Chapter 13.03 Sewers

Article VIII. Wastewater General Facilities Charge

Section 13.03.0732 Wastewater General Facilities Charge (GFC) – Schedule of Charges
  1. Findings – General Facilities Charge.

The City Council finds:

  1. General facilities charges are intended to defray costs created by new system demand, such as costs of providing increased system capacity for new or increased demand and other capital costs associated with new connections and equitable share of the cost of the system.
  1. There is a system-wide benefit, served by a uniform, adjustable GFC, in encouraging system growth considering that expanding the overall customer rate base and customer densities will reduce fixed costs which must otherwise be spread over all classes of ratepayers.
  1. It is in the public interest that those adding additional costs or burdens to the City sewer system by creating need and demand for new system growth and infill needs in the City sewer system should pay uniform GFC for all new or upgraded utility service.
  1. The City’s policy is to not waive GFCs. However, offset of the developer’s cost of the GFC will be identified from non-utility revenue sources, such as grant dollars or other general fund revenues. Such offset must be clearly identified and paid by the other source at time of application for connection, application for a building permit, or as otherwise ordered by the Director of Public Works.
  1. Charge for new service or new upgrades
  1. For new service or new upgrades to existing service from the City sewer system, a wastewater GFC is assessed as provided based on the schedules in SMC 13.03.0734. The charge will be based on the water meter size that would otherwise be required for the facility without fire flow and/or irrigation flow.
  1. Upgrades are charged at the current difference between the old and new connection size charges.
  1. The GFC is to be used to finance improvements to address impacts to the system created by new system growth and infill needs created by new or upgraded customers.
  1. Annual Increase: The GFC Charges in SMC 13.03.0734 are generated from an analytical analysis, one copy which shall be kept on file with the office of the city clerk and which was adopted and incorporated herein by reference. GFC charges in SMC 13.03.0734 will increase annually based on Engineering News-Record Index (ENR) calculated by City Staff, from October to October for the previous year. This annual increase will start March 5, 2024, and occur each January 1 thereafter. The City will publish a public rule update with the new GFC charge by January 1st of each year. Comprehensive review and update of GFC charges should be conducted at least every (5) years, but no more frequently than three (3) years.
  1. Adjustments.

Prior Payment of Similar Charges: The charge for a wastewater connection can be adjusted for facilities with water tap sizes two inches and greater when the tap size also accounts for fire flow and/or irrigation flow upon a showing of prior payment of similar charges, or for other sound considerations of fairness, as determined by the Wastewater Management Director.

  1. To be eligible for such adjustment, a party required to pay a wastewater GFC must submit a written application to the Wastewater Management Director, together with any supporting materials and explanation. The Wastewater Management Director must receive such materials at the time of application for connection of the subject premises.
  1. No adjustment may exceed the amount of the GFC applicable to the connection requested.
  1. The wastewater GFC applies in addition to all other connection, permit or other fees required by this code or elsewhere, to parties seeking to connect premises who have not paid an equitable share of the cost of the City’s sewer system as determined by the Wastewater Management Director.
  1. The charge is due and payable in full at the time of application for connection or as otherwise ordered by the Director of Public Works.
  1. The Wastewater Management Director may record appropriate notice with the county auditor concerning areas subject to the wastewater GFC in accord with RCW 65.08.170 and RCW 65.08.180, as applicable.
  1. Any offset of GFC Charges shall be through non-utility revenue sources such as grant dollars or general fund dollars. The qualifications for such offset are established in Public Rule 5200-23-01.
  1. Any future incentives, waivers, offsets, or deferral of GFC charges will be funded through payments from other funding sources. Incentives, waivers, and deferral will not result in lost revenue to the Utility for new system capacity.

Date Passed: Monday, November 20, 2023

Effective Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2024

ORD C36461 Section 2

September 26, 2024