City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 16A
Chapter 16A.05

Title 16A Transportation

Chapter 16A.05 Stopping, Standing, Parking, and Loading Regulations

Section 16A.05.010 Advertising or For Sale
Section 16A.05.020 Alley - Loading
Section 16A.05.030 Angle Parking
Section 16A.05.040 Bicycle Lane
Section 16A.05.050 Bus Zone
Section 16A.05.060 Commercial Loading Zones
Section 16A.05.070 Crosswalk – Approach
Section 16A.05.080 Crosswalk—On
Section 16A.05.090 Disabled Parking – Free Parking by Disabled Persons
Section 16A.05.100 Disabled Parking – Indication of Parking Space for Disabled Persons – Failure, Penalty
Section 16A.05.110 Disabled Parking – Special Parking for Persons with Disabilities
Section 16A.05.120 Disabled Parking – Special Plate or Card Issued by Another Jurisdiction
Section 16A.05.130 Divided Highway
Section 16A.05.140 Double Parking
Section 16A.05.150 Driveway or Alley Entrance
Section 16A.05.155 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Section 16A.05.160 Excavation or Obstruction
Section 16A.05.170 Fire Hydrant
Section 16A.05.180 Fire Lane
Section 16A.05.190 Fire Station
Section 16A.05.200 Flashing Signal - Approach
Section 16A.05.210 Intersection
Section 16A.05.220 Junk Vehicle
Section 16A.05.230 Motorcycle or Scooter Parking
Section 16A.05.240 Obstructing Traffic
Section 16A.05.250 Paid Parking Zone – Illegal Use of Parking Payment Device
Section 16A.05.260 Paid Parking Zone – Obstruction of Paid Parking Device
Section 16A.05.270 Paid Parking Zone – Parking Payment Device Indication
Section 16A.05.280 Paid Parking Zone – Payment Required
Section 16A.05.290 Parallel Parking
Section 16A.05.300 Parking Stalls
Section 16A.05.310 Parking Time Limited
Section 16A.05.320 Pedestrian Buffer Strip
Section 16A.05.330 Permit Zones
Section 16A.05.340 Police Vehicles Only
Section 16A.05.350 Posted Signs
Section 16A.05.360 Provisions of Chapter Prohibit Stopping, Standing, or Parking – Exceptions
Section 16A.05.370 Public Safety Hazard
Section 16A.05.380 Railroad Tracks
Section 16A.05.390 Railroad Tracks - Loading
Section 16A.05.400 Reserve Portion of a Highway
Section 16A.05.410 Safety Zone
Section 16A.05.420 Sidewalk
Section 16A.05.430 Spokane International Airport
Section 16A.05.440 Stop Sign - Approach
Section 16A.05.450 Taxicab Zones
Section 16A.05.460 Temporary No Parking Zone
Section 16A.05.470 Traffic Control Signal - Approach
Section 16A.05.480 Vehicle Repairs
Section 16A.05.490 Yield Sign - Approach

September 26, 2024