Title 17G Administration and Procedures
Chapter 17G.061 Land Use Application Procedures
Section 17G.061.110 Application Requirements
- Predevelopment Meeting.
- Purpose.
Predevelopment meetings are not intended to be an exhaustive review of all regulations or potential issues for a given application. Predevelopment meetings have two purposes:
- acquaint City staff and other agencies with a proposed development and to generally advise the applicant of applicable regulations, design guidelines and design review processes, and policies impacting the proposal; and
- acquaint the applicant with the applicable provisions of these procedures, minimum submission requirements and other plans or regulations which may impact the proposal.
- The City may, when applicable, apply additional relevant laws to the application subsequent to a predevelopment meeting.
- Predevelopment meetings are recommended for Type II and III applications, and Type I project permit applications in the centers and corridors (CC) zones.
- Community Meeting.
All Type III applications and Type II applications where indicated in Table 17G.061.010-1 are required to hold a community meeting regarding the proposed application. The applicant or their representative shall conduct the community meeting.
- Timing.
The meeting shall occur no more than one hundred twenty days prior to application and before the application is accepted by the City.
- Notice.
Notice for the community meeting shall be posted fourteen days prior to the meeting. Public notice of a community meeting shall be provided as required in SMC 17G.061.210.
- Combining with Traffic Study.
When a traffic study is required as a part of an application, the scoping meeting for a traffic study may be combined with the community meeting.
- Meeting Summary.
The applicant shall provide a summary of the meeting at the time of submission of the application. Other attendees of the community meeting may also submit a summary of the meeting issues to the decision-maker. The meeting summary shall consist of the following:
- A digital recording of the meeting proceedings; and
- List of attendees; and
- A copy of the notice of community meeting; and
- Affidavits of posting/mailing the notice.
- General Requirements.
Applications shall include the following:
- Predevelopment meeting summary, if required under subsection (A).
- Filing fees as required under chapter 8.02 SMC.
- Application documents supplied by the City, including but not limited to:
- General application form;
- Supplemental application form;
- Environmental checklist, if required under chapter 17E.050 SMC;
- A site plan drawn to scale showing:
- Property dimensions;
- location and dimensions of all existing and proposed physical improvements;
- location and type of landscaping;
- walkways and pedestrian areas;
- off-street parking areas and access drives;
- refuse facilities; and
- significant natural features, such as slopes, trees, rock outcrops, and critical areas.
- Required copies of documents, plans, or maps (as set forth in the application checklist).
- Written narrative identifying consistency with the applicable policies, regulations, and criteria for approval of the permit requested.
- Other plans, such as building elevations, landscaping plans, or sign plans, which are determined by the permitting department to be necessary to support the application.
- Additional application information as requested by the permitting department, which may include, but is not limited to, the following:
- geotechnical studies;
- hydrologic studies;
- critical area studies;
- noise studies;
- air quality studies;
- visual analysis; and
- transportation impact studies.
- Additional Requirements
The following Type II and III applications shall meet these requirements in addition to the provisions of subsection (B) of this section:
- Shoreline – Substantial Development Permit, Conditional Use Permit and Variance.
- Name, address, and phone number of the applicant. The applicant should be the owner of the property or the primary proponent of the project and not the representative of the owner or primary proponent.
- Name, address, and phone number of the applicant’s representative if other than the applicant.
- Name, address, and phone number of the property owner, if other than the applicant.
- Location of the property. This shall, at a minimum, include the property address and identification of the section, township and range to the nearest quarter, quarter section or latitude and longitude to the nearest minute.
- Identification of the name of the shoreline (water body) with which the site of the proposal is associated.
- General description of the proposed project that includes the proposed use or uses and the activities necessary to accomplish the project.
- General description of the property as it now exists, including its physical characteristics and improvements and structures.
- General description of the vicinity of the proposed project, including identification of the adjacent uses, structures and improvements, intensity of development and physical characteristics.
- A site development plan consisting of maps and elevation drawings, drawn to an appropriate scale to depict clearly all required information, photographs and text which shall include:
- the boundary of the parcels(s) of land upon which the development is proposed;
- the ordinary high-water mark of all water bodies located adjacent to or within the boundary of the project. This may be an approximate location, provided that for any development where a determination of consistency with the applicable regulations requires a precise location of the ordinary high-water mark, the mark shall be located precisely and the biological and hydrological basis for the location as indicated on the plans shall be included in the development plan. Where the ordinary high-water mark is neither adjacent to or within the boundary of the project, the plan shall indicate the distance and direction to the nearest ordinary high-water mark of a shoreline;
- existing and proposed land contours. The contours shall be at intervals sufficient to accurately determine the existing character of the property and the extent of proposed change to the land that is necessary for the development. Areas within the boundary that will not be altered by the development may be indicated as such and contours approximated for that area;
- a delineation of all wetland areas that will be altered or used as a part of the development;
- the dimensions and locations of all existing and proposed structures and improvements, including but not limited to: buildings, paved or graveled areas, roads, utilities, material stockpiles or surcharge, and stormwater management facilities;
- an inventory of the existing vegetation on the proposed project site, including the location, type, size, and condition, pursuant to SMC 17E.060.240, Shoreline Vegetation Inventory;
- a landscape plan prepared and stamped by a licensed landscape architect, registered in the state of Washington;
- where applicable, plans for development of areas on or off the site as mitigation for impacts associated with the proposed project shall be included;
- quality, source and composition of any fill material that is placed on the site, whether temporary or permanent;
- quantity, composition and destination of any excavated or dredged material;
- vicinity map showing the relationship of the property and proposed development or use to roads, utilities, existing developments, and uses on adjacent properties;
- where applicable, a depiction of the impacts to views from existing residential uses;
- on all variance applications, the plans shall clearly indicate where development could occur without the approval of a variance, the physical features and circumstances of the property that provide a basis for the request, and the location of adjacent structures and uses.
- Certificate of Compliance.
- Site plan is to be prepared by a licensed surveyor; and
- Copies of building permits or other data necessary to demonstrate the building was erected in good faith and all reasonable efforts comply with the code.
- Plans-in-lieu of Compliance.
- Alternative development plan designed in conformance with the applicable development regulations; and
- A written narrative of how the proposed development plan is superior, or more innovative, or provides greater public benefit.
- Preliminary Plat, Short Plat, and Binding Site Plan. As provided in chapter 17G.080 SMC.
- PUD.
- Profiles of any structures more than one story, shown in relation to finished grade.
- Location, dimension, and boundary of proposed open space.
- Site plan demonstrating compliance with Title 17C SMC including signs, off-street parking, structure height, building coverage, yards, density, screening, buffering, and lighting.
- Skywalk.
- A legal description of airspace to be occupied.
- Architectural and engineering plans.
- Artist’s rendering of the proposed skywalk; and
- Written narrative of the access for the public from the street, other buildings, and other skywalks.
- Acceptance of the final design review recommendations.
- Location and design of all wayfinding signage to be placed to ensure public access.
- Floodplain – Floodplain Development Permit and Variance.
As provided in chapter 17E.030 SMC
Date Passed: Monday, November 4, 2024 Effective Date: Wednesday, January 1, 2025 ORD C36596 Section 7 |