Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

2022 Received Complaints

The following are complaints received by the ombuds and forwarded to the Internal Affairs Division of the Spokane Police Department for investigation in 2022.

Information last updated Dec. 28, 2022

Case # Complaint Description Disposition
OPO: 22-01 A Complaint came into the OPO via Email/Web. An RN was assaulted by a patient and wanted to press charges. Responding officers dissmissed their concerns and did not arrest the patient. Received: 2/16/2022
District: 2
Status: Inquiry
Ombuds Findings: 3/30/2022
Chief's Findings: 3/31/2022
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-02 Commendation Received: N/A
District: 2
Status: N/A
Ombuds Findings: N/A
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-03 A complaint came into the OPO via Email/Web. A prominent community leader witnessed a member of the SPD speeding through a school zone. Received: 3/15/2022
District: 2
Status: Inquiry
Ombuds Findings: 5/4/2022
Chief's Findings: 6/10/2022
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-04 A complaint came into the OPO via Phone. A community member was pulled over and given a ticket for not wearing his seatbelt, during this interaction the officer stated he had conducted an inspection, which he had not done. Received: 3/17/2022
District: 2
Status: Closed
Ombuds Findings: 5/9/2022
Chief's Findings: 5/17/2022
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-05 A complaint came into the OPO via phone. A Community member was frustrated that when he called SPD for assistance, excessive force was used on them. Received: 4/19/2022
District: 1
Status: Exonerated
Ombuds Findings: 6/1/2022
Chief's Findings: 10/21/2022
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-06 A complaint came into the OPO via phone. A Community member was frustrated regarding an interaction with an officer who was rude. Received: 4/24/2022
District: 3
Status: Administratively Suspend - E
Ombuds Findings: 7/13/2022
Chief's Findings: 7/13/2022
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-07 A complaint came into the OPO via phone. A community member called SPD for assistance when people were harassing them about being evicted. The responding officers were not helpful and continued to defend the harassers. Received: 5/3/2022
District: 2
Status: Inquiry
Ombuds Findings: 7/5/2022
Chief's Findings: 6/30/2022
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-08 A complaint came into the OPOC via phone. A community member has been having issues with their neighbor, instead of offering help, the responding officer has made comments like “why don't you park in their space.” Received: 5/25/2022
District: 3
Status: Inquiry
Ombuds Findings: 11/10/2022
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-09 A complaint came into the OPO via Walk in. The complainant was concerned with extreme flooding occuring on the South Hill and was frustrated that it took the officer 40 minutes to respond and was dismissive of them. Complainant alleges that the officer was rude and insulting. Received: 5/18/2022
District: 2
Status: Closed - Unfounded
Ombuds Findings: 10/10/2022
Chief's Findings: 10/10/2022
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-10 A complaint came into the OPO via Phone. Complainant had a tenant that was damaging their property and when an officer responded the complainant ended up being arrested instead of the people damaging their property. Received: 5/26/2022
District: 2
Status: Inquiry
Ombuds Findings: 10/26/2022
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-11 Commendation Received: N/A
District: N/A
Status: N/A
Ombuds Findings: N/A
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-12 A complaint came into the OPO via phone. A community member who witnessed a potential assault and the responding officer was blunt and dissmissive. Received: 6/7/2022
District: 1
Status: Inquiry
Ombuds Findings: 8/18/2022
Chief's Findings: 8/24/2022
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-13 A complaint came into the OPO via phone. A community member alleges that a police officer used excessive force on her minor daughter causing injuries including a broken wrist. Received: 6/29/2022
District: 2
Status: Administratively Suspend - C
Ombuds Findings: 7/18/2022
Chief's Findings: 7/21/2022
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-14 A complaint came into the OPO via phone. A community member alleges that officers who tried to serve an arrest warrant were overly aggressive while doing so. Trampling property, yelling, and being disrespecful. Received: 7/7/2022
District: 3
Status: Inquiry
Ombuds Findings: 10/5/2022
Chief's Findings: 10/6/2022
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-15 A complaint came into the OPO via email/web. A community member alleges that officers harrassed them about sitting in an area even though the area was designed for sitting. Received: 7/20/2022
District: 2
Status: TBD
Ombuds Findings: TBD
Chief's Findings: TBD
Officer Discipline: TBD
OPO: 22-16 A complaint came into the OPO via Walk in. They believe they are being harassed by officers and asked to leave areas that others are not. In addition to breaking their phone on the last interaction. Received: 7/20/2022
District: 2
Status: Administratively Suspend - B
Ombuds Findings: 1/5/2023
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-17 A complaint came into the OPO via phone. They believe that officers are not informed on laws pertaining discrimination on people with disabilities. In addition to being rude when challenged on those laws. Received: 8/10/2022
District: 1
Status: Closed - Unfounded
Ombuds Findings: 2/7/2023
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-18 A complaint came into the OPO via phone. The complainant is frustrated at a lack of response and concern regarding their case. Received: 8/23/2022
District: 1
Status: Administratively Suspend - E
Ombuds Findings: 12/29/2023
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-19 Commendation Received: 9/6/2022
District: N/A
Status: N/A
Ombuds Findings: N/A
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-20 Commendation Received: 9/9/2022
District: 3
Status: N/A
Ombuds Findings: N/A
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-21 A complaint came into the OPO via phone. The complainant is frustrated that it took 4 hours for SPD to respond when they were being threatened to be shot, but that they were surrounded by 5 officers when they pulled a weapon to protect themselves another time. Received: 9/20/2022
District: 2
Status: Closed
Ombuds Findings: 2/8/2023
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-22 A complaint came into the OPO via phone. A Community member was frustrated with an officers response while they requested assistance on a burglary. Received: 9/23/2022
District: 2
Status: Administratively Suspend - F
Ombuds Findings: 10/5/2022
Chief's Findings: 10/6/2022
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-23 Commendation Received: 9/29/2022
District: 2
Status: N/A
Ombuds Findings: N/A
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-24 A complaint came into the OPO via phone. The complainant was assaulted in a parking lot of a grocery store, they waited for 5 hours for SPD respond. The responding officer allegedly stated it would be too difficult to obtain the assailants information and did not follow up to obtain security footage. Received: 10/6/2022
District: 2
Status: Administratively Suspend - E
Ombuds Findings: 1/25/2023
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-25 A complaint came into the OPO via Phone. A community member was concerned that an officer parking in a handicap space was allegedly rude and refused to give his name or badge information. Received: 10/17/2022
District: 2
Status: TBD
Ombuds Findings: TBD
Chief's Findings: TBD
Officer Discipline: TBD
OPO: 22-26 A complaint came into the OPO via email/web. A community member is frustrated with the lack of follow up on their stolen vehicle and a potential false report submitted. Received: 10/12/2022
District: 2
Status: Closed - Unfounded
Ombuds Findings: 11/9/2022
Chief's Findings: 11/9/2022
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-27 Mediation Received: 10/20/2022
District: N/A
Status: N/A
Ombuds Findings: N/A
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-28 A complaint came into the OPO via phone/vm. A community member is frustrated that Detectives have not gotten back with them after their house was robbed and they were stabbed. Received: 11/2/2022
District: 1
Status: Inquiry
Ombuds Findings: 2/1/2023
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-29 A complaint came into the OPO via phone/vm. A Community member was concerned about an officer in a marked police vehicle driving dangerously for road conditions. Received: 11/8/2022
District: N/A
Status: Admin Suspend - E
Ombuds Findings: 11/17/2022
Chief's Findings: 11/17/2022
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-30 A complaint came into the OPO via phone/vm. A community member was concerned that their friend was mistreated by officers who served their partner a protection order. Received: 11/15/2022
District: ?
Status: TBD
Ombuds Findings: TBD
Chief's Findings: TBD
Officer Discipline: TBD
OPO: 22-31 A complaint came into the OPO via phone/VM. A community member alleges that their 17 calls for service on threats made by their neighbor have gone unanswered. Received: 11/23/2022
District: 2
Status: TBD
Ombuds Findings: TBD
Chief's Findings: TBD
Officer Discipline: TBD
OPO: 22-32 Commendation Received: 11/28/2022
District: N/A
Status: N/A
Ombuds Findings: N/A
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-33 A complaint came into the OPO via phone/VM. A community member was frustrated with the inadequate reporting from an officer that caused him more legal trouble. Received: 11/29/2022
District: 1
Status: Administratively Suspend - due to judicial proceedings
Ombuds Findings: TBD
Chief's Findings: TBD
Officer Discipline: TBD
OPO: 22-34 A complaint came into the OPO via web. A community member was made aware that during the sweep of LC HS and officer pointed their weapon directly at a student and a teacher had to step in between them. Very concerning. Received: 12/12/2022
District: 2
Status: Admin Suspend - A
Ombuds Findings: 1/18/2023
Chief's Findings: TBD
Officer Discipline: TBD
OPO: 22-35 Letter of appreciation for Ride Along Received: 11/10/2022
District: N/A
Status: N/A
Ombuds Findings: N/A
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-36 Letter of appreciation for Ride Along Received: 11/10/2022
District: N/A
Status: N/A
Ombuds Findings: N/A
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-37 A complaint came in to the OPO via email/web. Community member was harassed by police officer because they were filming the officer. Received: 12/11/2022
District: 2
Status: Closed - Exonerated
Ombuds Findings: 5/26/2023
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A
OPO: 22-38 A Complaint came in to the OPO via Phone. Community member was arrested for obstruction and believes there was no reason for their arrest. Received: 12/13/2022
District: 2
Status: Administratively Suspend - due to judicial proceedings
Ombuds Findings: 6/1/2023
Chief's Findings: N/A
Officer Discipline: N/A

Contact Information

Office of Police Ombuds
1st Floor, City Hall
808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201
Phone: 509.625.6742
Fax: 509.625.6748
Regular Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday

Bart Logue
Police Ombuds

Luvimae Omana
Deputy Ombuds

Christina Coty
Executive Assistant

Tim Szambelan
Police Ombuds Attorney