City Council Legislative Meeting

Monday, February 10, 2014 at 6 p.m.

Emergency Budget Ordinance C35076 - carrying over from 2013 fiscal year and re-appropriating various funds for the use of certain departments and divisions of the City government and appropriating various outstanding grants of the City of Spokane, both revenues and expenses, of the City of Spokane, and thereby amending Ordinance No. C35062, passed November 25, 2013, and entitled “An ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2014, making appropriations to the various funds, departments and programs of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2014, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage,” and declaring an emergency. (This action carries over budget authority for items budgeted in 2013, but not completed at year-end and appropriates various outstanding grants and capital expenditures.)

Council Member Representing Vote
Ben Stuckart City Council President Yea
Amber Waldref District 1 Yea
Mike Fagan District 1 Yea
Jon Snyder District 2 Yea
Mike Allen District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Steve Salvatori District 3 Yea

Ordinance C35069 - relating to the Office of Police Ombudsman; amending SMC Sections 4.32.010, 4.32.020, 4.32.030, 4.32.060, 4.32.070, 4.32.080, 4.32.090, 4.32.100, 4.32.110, 4.32.140, 4.32.150, and 4.32.160.

Council Member Representing Vote
Ben Stuckart City Council President Yea
Amber Waldref District 1 Yea
Mike Fagan District 1 Yea
Jon Snyder District 2 Yea
Mike Allen District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Steve Salvatori District 3 Yea

Ordinance C35072 - relating to appointment of residents to Boards and Commissions and amending Spokane Municipal Code Section 4.01.030.

Council Member Representing Vote
Ben Stuckart City Council President Yea
Amber Waldref District 1 Yea
Mike Fagan District 1 Yea
Jon Snyder District 2 Yea
Mike Allen District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Steve Salvatori District 3 Yea

Ordinance C35075 - relating to the reporting structure of the Municipal Court and Probation Department; repealing Spokane Municipal Code Sections 3.01A.410 and 3.01A.600; adopting a new Article IV to Chapter 3.01A SMC; and adopting new Sections 3.01A.700 and 3.01A.710 to Chapter 3.01A of the Spokane Municipal Code.

Council Member Representing Vote
Ben Stuckart City Council President Yea
Amber Waldref District 1 Yea
Mike Fagan District 1 Yea
Jon Snyder District 2 Yea
Mike Allen District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Steve Salvatori District 3 Yea

Resolution 2014-0013 - regarding City-Wide Capital Improvement Project Needs Assessment.

Council Member Representing Vote
Ben Stuckart City Council President Yea
Amber Waldref District 1 Yea
Mike Fagan District 1 Yea
Jon Snyder District 2 Yea
Mike Allen District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Steve Salvatori District 3 Yea

Resolution 2014-0015 - approving the appointment of Selby Smith as Director of Police Investigations effective February 17, 2014.

Council Member Representing Vote
Ben Stuckart City Council President Yea
Amber Waldref District 1 Yea
Mike Fagan District 1 Yea
Jon Snyder District 2 Yea
Mike Allen District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Steve Salvatori District 3 Yea

Resolution 2014-0016 - declaring the City’s solid waste transfer stations surplus to the City’s needs and authorizing the sale of the transfer stations to Spokane County; and approving the Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County for solid waste transfer and disposal effective November 17, 2014.

Council Member Representing Vote
Ben Stuckart City Council President Yea
Amber Waldref District 1 Yea
Mike Fagan District 1 Yea
Jon Snyder District 2 Yea
Mike Allen District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Steve Salvatori District 3 Yea