City Council Legislative Meeting

Monday, May 11, 2020 at 6 p.m.

Ordinance C35899 - Relating to Permit Fees, Heating Mechanics Licenses, Building Official Review of Proposed Amendments to 17F, Fences, Adoption of Current State Building Codes, Elevators and Dangerous Conveyances, and Application for Worker's Licenses amending SMC 08.02.031, 10.29.030, 11.19.720, 17C.110.230, 17F.030.010, 17F.040.010, 17F.050.010, 17F.060.040, 17F.060.060, 17F.080.010; 17F.090.010, 17F.100.010, and 17G.010.200.

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea

Resolution 2020-0029 - Directing City of Spokane Neighborhood and Planning Services Department staff to conduct an abbreviated subarea planning process in an area adjacent to the North Foothills Employment Center, as designated on the land use plan map, for the purposes of undertaking the addition of CC-3 (Centers and Corridors Type 3) Zoning Overlay.

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea