City Council Legislative Meeting

Monday, June 22, 2020 at 6 p.m.

Ordinance C35870 - Prohibiting the use of devices which emit high-frequency sound designed to be audible only to children and young adults, often called “mosquitos”; amending sections 10.08D.030, 10.08D.050, and 10.08D.140 of the Spokane Municipal Code.

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Nay
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Nay
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Nay

Ordinance C35911 - providing for the issuance and sale of a Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bond in the principal amount of not to exceed $4,068,984.94 to provide funds to refund the City’s outstanding Limited Tax General Obligation and Refunding Bond, Series 2016; fixing the date, form, maturity, interest rate, terms and covenants of the bond; authorizing the sale and delivery of the bond to the City, declaring an emergency, and providing for other matters properly relating thereto. (Relates to an interfund loan from the Spokane Investment Pool to the Asset Management Fund.)

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea

Resolution 2020-0033 - Of the City of Spokane, Washington, providing for the issuance and sale of a Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bond in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $2,927,080; establishing an interfund loan facility from the Spokane Investment Pool to refinance an existing interfund loan; fixing the date, form, maturity, interest rate, terms and covenants of the bond; authorizing the sale and delivery of the bond to the City, and providing for other matters properly relating thereto.

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea

Resolution 2020-0034 - Providing for the issuance and sale of certain individual Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $14,291,298.54; establishing interfund loan facilities from the Spokane Investment Pool to refinance existing interfund loans; fixing the dates, forms, maturities, interest rates, terms and covenants of the bonds; authorizing the sale and delivery of the bonds to the City, and providing for other matters properly relating thereto.

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea

Resolution 2020-0040 - Approving the Spokane Employees’ Retirement System (SERS) Board’s change in the employee and employer contribution rates in accordance with Spokane Municipal Code 4.14.070.

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea

Resolution 2020-0041 - Establishing City policy and process for determining how the City should use its allocation of Coronavirus Relief Funds received from the state of Washington.

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea

Resolution 2020-0042 - Incorporating community requests, which have been identified by Council Members and their constituents and are enumerated in the attached addendum (on file in City Clerk’s Office), into the City of Spokane's 2021-2026 Six Year Comprehensive Street Program. (Relates to Hearing Item H1.)

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea

Resolution 2020-0043 - Hearing for the 2021-2026 Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program.

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea

Special Budget Ordinance C35913 - Amending Ordinance No. C35857 passed by the City Council December 16, 2019, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2020, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: VOYA Defined Contribution Administrative Fund FROM: Employment Benefit Admin Fees, $36,000; TO: VOYA Deferred Contribution Administrative Fund - Advisory Technical Service, same amount. (This action allows for the creation of an additional budget department.)

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea

Special Budget Ordinance C35915 - Amending Ordinance No. C35857 passed by the City Council December 16, 2019, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2020, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Street Fund FROM: Bridge Maintainer II (Sal Sav), $25,509; TO: Signals & Lighting – various accounts, same amount. (This action allows implementation of classification and pay adjustments in accordance with approved union agreements and City policies.)

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea