Garbage and curbside recycling pickup will be a day late starting Wednesday, with Friday's pickup occurring on Saturday due to the Christmas holiday. Please have your carts out at the point of collection by 6 AM on your collection day. See more information regarding other City closures.

City Council Legislative Meeting

Monday, March 8, 2021 at 6 p.m.

Resolution 2021-0017 - Declaring Dresser Rand Company (Seattle, WA) a sole-source provider and authorizing the City to enter into a Value Blanket Order for the purchase of parts necessary for the Condensing Steam Turbine Generator Drive Package, Serial #D0823 for a two year period – approximately $1,800,000 without public bidding.

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Absent
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea

Resolution 2021-0018 - Approving settlement of a Civil Claim against the City of Spokane brought by Stephen Gilbert.

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Absent
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea

Special Budget Ordinance C36016 - Amending Ordinance No. C35971 passed by the City Council December 14, 2020, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2021, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Criminal Justice Fund FROM: Unappropriated Reserves, $55,100; TO: Interfund IT Expense, same amount, and Information Technology Fund FROM: Other Internal Service Changes, $55,100; TO: Various Accounts, same amount.(This action budgets for the creation of a new position for long-term support of the eSeries [criminal justice] solution).

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Absent
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea

Special Budget Ordinance C36017 - Amending Ordinance No. C35971 passed by the City Council December 14, 2020, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2021, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Fire/EMS Fund FROM: Washington State Department of Ecology, $100,000; TO: Various Accounts, same amount. (This action budgets an amendment to a Department of Ecology Grant for Hazmat vehicles and equipment).

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Absent
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea

Special Budget Ordinance C36018 - Amending Ordinance No. C35971 passed by the City Council December 14, 2020, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2021, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds Asset Management Capital Fund FROM: Undesignated Reserves, $1,300,000; TO: Operating Transfer to Arterial Streets, same amount, and Arterial Street Fund FROM: Operating Transfer In from Asset Management, $1,300,000;TO: Various Accounts, same amount.(This action budgets to expend the proceeds from the Sale of the Normandie Property).

Council Member Representing Vote
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Absent
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea

Special Budget Ordinance C36019 - Amending Ordinance No. C35971 passed by the City Council December 14, 2020, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2021, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in Emergency Rental Assistance Fund FROM: Grant Revenue, $6,695,536.90; TO: Contractual Services, same amount. (This action creates a fund to deposit and contract funds received from the Department of Treasury for Emergency Rental Assistance).

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Absent
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea

Special Budget Ordinance C36020 - Amending Ordinance No. C35971 passed by the City Council December 14, 2020, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2021, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in General Fund FROM: Unappropriated Reserves, $225,713; TO: Transfers Out to Arterial Streets, same amount, and U-District Capital Fund FROM: Unappropriated Reserves, $1,700,000;TO: Transfers to Arterial Streets, same amount, and Asset Management Capital Fund FROM: Other Long Term Debt Proceeds, $2,000,000; TO: Transfers to Arterial Streets. (This action allows for recording loan proceeds and the transfer of funds to Arterial Streets for the construction of the East Sprague Project in the U-District).

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Yea
Kate Burke District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Candace Mumm District 3 Absent
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea