Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

City Council Legislative Meeting

Monday, May 9, 2022 at 6 p.m.

Ordinance C36202 - Amending Ordinance C27577 that vacated Dalton Avenue from Ash Place to Ash Street.

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Absent
Jonathan Bingle District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea
Zack Zappone District 3 Yea

Ordinance C36204 - Relating to design guidelines; amending SMC Section 17G.040.020; and adopting new design guidelines.

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Absent
Jonathan Bingle District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea
Zack Zappone District 3 Yea

Ordinance C36205 - Relating to standards for skywalks; amending SMC sections 12.02.0405, 12.02.0410, 12.02.0424, 12.02.0452, 12.02.0464, 12.02.0470, and 12.02.0476; repealing SMC sections 12.02.0450, 12.02.0460, 12.02.0462 and 12.02.0474; and adding Chapter 17C.255 SMC.

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Absent
Jonathan Bingle District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea
Zack Zappone District 3 Yea

Ordinance C36206 - Relating to the design review process; amending SMC sections 08.02.0665, 17G.030.020, 17G.060.070, and 17G.060.170.

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Absent
Jonathan Bingle District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea
Zack Zappone District 3 Yea

Resolution 2022-0042 - Addressing increasing overtime costs within the Spokane Fire Department.

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Nay
Breean Beggs City Council President Absent
Jonathan Bingle District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Nay
Zack Zappone District 3 Nay

Resolution 2022-0044 - Supporting the continued project planning for a Downtown Zipline.

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Absent
Jonathan Bingle District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Nay
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea
Zack Zappone District 3 Yea

Special Budget Ordinance C36207 - Amending Ordinance No. C36161 passed by the City Council December 13, 2021, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2022, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Human Services Grants Fund 1) Increase revenue by $5,879,189 A) Of the increased revenue, $5,879,189 is from the Washington State Department of Commerce Eviction Rent Assistance Program (ERAP) 2.0 to continue to prevent evictions by paying rental arrears, current due rent, future rent, utilities and home energy costs, and other housing costs for eligible households due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 2) Increase appropriation by $5,879,189 A) Of the increased appropriation, $5,585,230 is provided solely for subrecipients awarded through an RFP process to deliver rent assistance funds to the community. B) Of the increas

Council Member Representing Vote
Betsy Wilkerson City Council President Yea
Breean Beggs City Council President Absent
Jonathan Bingle District 1 Yea
Michael Cathcart District 1 Yea
Lori Kinnear District 2 Yea
Karen Stratton District 3 Yea
Zack Zappone District 3 Yea