Consideration of Mayoral Veto C36209 - Consideration of Mayoral Veto of Ordinance C36209 establishing water conservation and drought response measures; enacting a new section 13.04.1925; and amending section 13.04.300 of the Spokane Municipal Code.
Council Member | Representing | Vote |
Betsy Wilkerson | City Council President | Yea |
Breean Beggs | City Council President | Yea |
Jonathan Bingle | District 1 | Absent |
Michael Cathcart | District 1 | Nay |
Lori Kinnear | District 2 | Yea |
Karen Stratton | District 3 | Yea |
Zack Zappone | District 3 | Yea |
Ordinance C36156 - Streamlining the organization of the Spokane Police Department; repealing sections 03.01A.385 and 03.01A.390 of the Spokane Municipal Code; and setting an effective date.
Council Member | Representing | Vote |
Betsy Wilkerson | City Council President | Yea |
Breean Beggs | City Council President | Yea |
Jonathan Bingle | District 1 | Absent |
Michael Cathcart | District 1 | Yea |
Lori Kinnear | District 2 | Yea |
Karen Stratton | District 3 | Yea |
Zack Zappone | District 3 | Yea |
Ordinance C36173 - Vacating the alley between Pacific Avenue and Second Avenue, from the east line of Sherman Street to the west line of Sheridan Street.
Council Member | Representing | Vote |
Betsy Wilkerson | City Council President | Yea |
Breean Beggs | City Council President | Yea |
Jonathan Bingle | District 1 | Absent |
Michael Cathcart | District 1 | Yea |
Lori Kinnear | District 2 | Yea |
Karen Stratton | District 3 | Yea |
Zack Zappone | District 3 | Yea |
Ordinance C36203 - Relating to special events; amending Chapter 10.39 of the Spokane Municipal Code; SMC sections 4.04.020, 10.39.010, 10.39.020, 10.39.030, 10.39.040, 10.39.050, 10.39.055, 10.39.070, 10.39.090, and 17G.050.070.
Council Member | Representing | Vote |
Betsy Wilkerson | City Council President | Yea |
Breean Beggs | City Council President | Yea |
Jonathan Bingle | District 1 | Absent |
Michael Cathcart | District 1 | Nay |
Lori Kinnear | District 2 | Yea |
Karen Stratton | District 3 | Nay |
Zack Zappone | District 3 | Yea |
Ordinance C36214 - Amending Ordinance C-26266 that vacated Gardner Avenue from the extended west line of Lot 47, Block 2, of Keystone Addition, to the extended east line of Lot 63, Block 2, of Keystone Addition, the same being located between Howard and Washington Streets, in the City and County of Spokane, and providing for an effective date.
Council Member | Representing | Vote |
Betsy Wilkerson | City Council President | Yea |
Breean Beggs | City Council President | Yea |
Jonathan Bingle | District 1 | Absent |
Michael Cathcart | District 1 | Yea |
Lori Kinnear | District 2 | Yea |
Karen Stratton | District 3 | Yea |
Zack Zappone | District 3 | Yea |
Resolution 2022-0049 - Appointing initial members to the City Council's Equity Subcommittee.
Council Member | Representing | Vote |
Betsy Wilkerson | City Council President | Yea |
Breean Beggs | City Council President | Yea |
Jonathan Bingle | District 1 | Absent |
Michael Cathcart | District 1 | Nay |
Lori Kinnear | District 2 | Yea |
Karen Stratton | District 3 | Yea |
Zack Zappone | District 3 | Yea |
Resolution 2022-0050 - Approving settlement for Chandra Haine from her claim for damages for injuries sustained on May 31, 2020.
Council Member | Representing | Vote |
Betsy Wilkerson | City Council President | Yea |
Breean Beggs | City Council President | Yea |
Jonathan Bingle | District 1 | Absent |
Michael Cathcart | District 1 | Yea |
Lori Kinnear | District 2 | Yea |
Karen Stratton | District 3 | Yea |
Zack Zappone | District 3 | Yea |
Resolution 2022-0051 - Authorizing a loan and grant agreement with the State of Washington Department of Ecology for the Cochran Basin Stormwater Treatment Facility-Control Vault-$6,666,666.67 Revenue.
Council Member | Representing | Vote |
Betsy Wilkerson | City Council President | Yea |
Breean Beggs | City Council President | Yea |
Jonathan Bingle | District 1 | Absent |
Michael Cathcart | District 1 | Yea |
Lori Kinnear | District 2 | Yea |
Karen Stratton | District 3 | Yea |
Zack Zappone | District 3 | Yea |
Resolution 2022-0052 - Authorizing Amendment No. 1 of the funding agreements between the City of Spokane and State of Washington Department of Ecology for the TJ Meenach Water Quality Improvements-$1,386,538.33 Revenue, and Cochran Basin Infiltration Ponds-$837,500 Revenue.
Council Member | Representing | Vote |
Betsy Wilkerson | City Council President | Yea |
Breean Beggs | City Council President | Yea |
Jonathan Bingle | District 1 | Absent |
Michael Cathcart | District 1 | Yea |
Lori Kinnear | District 2 | Yea |
Karen Stratton | District 3 | Yea |
Zack Zappone | District 3 | Yea |
Special Budget Ordinance C36215 - Amending Ordinance No. C36161 passed by the City Council December 13, 2021, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2022, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Development Services Center Fund 1) Increase revenue by $469,900. A) $469,900 of the increased revenue represents abatement revenue in the Development Services Center Fund. The property owner is financially liable for the costs incurred by the City, including securing and demolition of the structure. The City will follow through with the legal process to recover all abatement costs. 2) Increase appropriation by $469,900. A) Of the increased appropriation, $469,900 is provided solely for contractual services to secure and demolish the unsafe structure(s) and properly dispose of asbestos-contaminated debris. (This
Council Member | Representing | Vote |
Betsy Wilkerson | City Council President | Yea |
Breean Beggs | City Council President | Yea |
Jonathan Bingle | District 1 | Absent |
Michael Cathcart | District 1 | Yea |
Lori Kinnear | District 2 | Yea |
Karen Stratton | District 3 | Yea |
Zack Zappone | District 3 | Yea |
Special Budget Ordinance C36216 - Amending Ordinance No. C36161 passed by the City Council December 13, 2021, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2022, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: Traffic Calming Measures Fund 1) Increase the appropriation by $42,000. A. Of the increased appropriation $42,000 is provided solely for a transfer out to the General Fund, Police Department. and General Fund 1) Increase the revenue in the Police Department by $42,000. A. Of the increased revenue, $42,000 is from a transfer-in from the Traffic Calming Measures Fund. 2) Increase the appropriation by $42,000. A. Of the increased appropriation, $42,000 is provided solely for the costs associated with emphasis patrols targeting aggressive driving and drag racing along the North Division corridor. (This action arises
Council Member | Representing | Vote |
Betsy Wilkerson | City Council President | Yea |
Breean Beggs | City Council President | Yea |
Jonathan Bingle | District 1 | Absent |
Michael Cathcart | District 1 | Yea |
Lori Kinnear | District 2 | Yea |
Karen Stratton | District 3 | Yea |
Zack Zappone | District 3 | Yea |
Special Budget Ordinance C36217 - Amending Ordinance No. C36161 passed by the City Council December 13, 2021, and entitled, "An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget of the City of Spokane for 2022, making appropriations to the various funds of the City of Spokane government for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022, and providing it shall take effect immediately upon passage," and declaring an emergency and appropriating funds in: American Rescue Plan Fund 1) Increase appropriation by $750,000, funded from the City’s direct allocation of the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund of the American Rescue Plan Act. A) Of the increased appropriation, $750,000 is provided solely for the renovation of the Centennial Trail Don Kardong Pedestrian Bridge. (This action arises from the need provide additional appropriation authority for the Centennial Trail renovations to the Don Kardong Bridge due to increased construction costs).
Council Member | Representing | Vote |
Betsy Wilkerson | City Council President | Yea |
Breean Beggs | City Council President | Yea |
Jonathan Bingle | District 1 | Absent |
Michael Cathcart | District 1 | Yea |
Lori Kinnear | District 2 | Yea |
Karen Stratton | District 3 | Yea |
Zack Zappone | District 3 | Yea |