Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

Long-term Rental Registry

This page refers to long-term rental properties (30+ days). If you are looking for information on registering a short-term rental property (under 30 days), please visit the Short-term Rentals page.

The long-term rental registry, created as a result of the City Council passing the Regulation of Residential Rental Housing in March 2023, is focused on preserving housing stock, maintaining safe living spaces through periodic inspections, and creating and maintaining a database to track rental units in our community.

So far in 2024, over 4,700 long-term rental properties have been registered, reflecting over 23,000 rental units. In the first year of the program, Code Enforcement staff has conducted inspections in response to a multitude of complaints at rental properties and conducted hundreds of periodic and proactive inspections as well.


All landlords, property managers, and agents of property owners in the City of Spokane are required to register their long-term (30+ days) rental properties. The renewal window for 2025 begins on November 1, 2024. Any property registration submitted between November 1 and December 31 will be for the 2025 calendar year. Automated communications from the Accela Citizen Access (ACA) system will be delivered to the email addresses listed on each registration.

While voluntary compliance is the goal, Spokane Municipal Code Section 08.01.270 states that civil infractions may be issued for failure to make an application. If a landlord fails to file an application and pay the registration fee, the City’s Taxes and Licenses Division or Code Enforcement Department may determine the amount and issue a Class I notice of infraction pursuant to Chapter 1.05 SMC. Landlords are subject to SMC 10.57.020, failure to comply with the residential rental registry requirement set forth in SMC 10.57.020(E).


The business license has an annual fee of $127 through the Washington State Department of Revenue. The ordinance also establishes a $15 per rental unit fee as part of the rental registry application.

If you are an affordable housing provider in our community offering subsidized and/or incentivized long-term rental housing units, you may be eligible for a waiver of the $15 per unit registration fee. Please email to request information rather than submitting the property registration through the ACA system. You will still need to obtain a Washington State business license through the Washington State Department of Revenue and a City of Spokane endorsement.

How to Register

Step 1: Obtain your business license for operating a long-term rental property business in the City of Spokane.

This process is managed by the Washington State Department of Revenue, but each business license will need an endorsement to do business in the City of Spokane. If you only operate a rental property, “Real Estate Rental – Long Term Residential” would be an appropriate business type to select during the business license application process.

Already have a business license? Great! You’ll just need to ensure that you have a City of Spokane endorsement on the license, and if your current business license does not include real estate rental, you will need to add that license. View directions for adding a Spokane endorsement to your business license. You will need your UBI (Unified Business Identifier) for step 2.

Step 2: Register your long-term rental property or properties with the City of Spokane.

The City uses the existing online application portal Accela Citizen Access (ACA) to facilitate the registration process. This is the same portal as the City’s online permitting system. You must create an ACA account to register your rental property or properties.

To register your property or properties:

  1. Log in to your account on the City of Spokane Online ACA Portal.
  2. Select “Code Enforcement,” then “Apply for Rental Registry.”
  3. Fill out the required information and pay the fee(s). You will need your Washington State Business License with Spokane Endorsements and your UBI (Unified Business Identifier).

For more detailed instructions on creating an ACA account and submitting your registration, view the how-to guide.

For applicants without online access, a computer is available in the Development Services Center on the Third Floor of City Hall during business hours. Hard copies of registration forms are also available at City Hall. The in-person option is also available for anyone who needs technical assistance.

Long-term Rental Properties Map

View a map of registered long-term rental properties:


The aim of rental property inspections is to ensure safe living conditions. Common violations inspectors observe include lack of hot water, exposed wiring, water leaks, inadequate weatherproofing, and other similar issues. Code Enforcement evaluates building maintenance and habitability issues using the list of substandard building deficiencies detailed in the Existing Building and Conservation Code, found in SMC 17F.070.400. Where context and additional detail are needed, inspectors utilize the International Code Council’s International Property Maintenance Code, and relevant inspectors all hold certifications under this code.

Tenants can submit complaints through If you’re unable to submit your complaint online for any reason, you can also call 311 or 509.755.CITY (2489), from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, and they can assist with filing a complaint on your behalf.

To respect tenants’ privacy, Code Enforcement staff will request legal access to perform the inspection from inside the property lines and dwelling units. The ordinance also established expectations for civil matter issues and other rental housing topics that are more legal in nature, including updates to the ordinance in the fall of 2024 that prohibit evictions and rent increases at rental properties that have not registered.

The initial inspection and initial re-inspection (if needed) conducted by Code Enforcement staff do not have a fee. However, if subsequent inspections are needed due to violations not being adequately addressed, additional safety inspection fees may be assessed.


Contact Information

For questions on the long-term rental registry, email

For questions on obtaining a business license for operating a rental property business in the City, call the Washington State Department of Revenue at 360.705.6741 or the City of Spokane Taxes and Licenses at 509.625.6070.

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