Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

Domestic Violence

The Office of the Spokane City Prosecuting Attorney recognizes the seriousness of the threat posed by intimate partner violence and the need for providing enhanced efforts to ensure victim safety, offender accountability and swift justice in these cases. This office makes domestic violence misdemeanor offenses a priority by assigning prosecutors and staff to handle only these types of cases and by assisting in the development and implementation of an effective protocol for prosecuting theses offenses.

Domestic violence advocates are available to assist victims of domestic violence. They can answer questions about obtaining protection orders, how the criminal process works and the status of your case. The advocates are not employees of this office and can serve as your link to this office, if you would prefer. The advocates can also connect you to resources in the community. You do not need to be the victim in a current case to speak with the advocates. They can be contacted at 509.477.3656. You may also contact the 24 Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 509.326.2255.

What types of behavior are considered abusive?

  1. Physical Abuse: Spitting, poking, shaking, shoving, pushing, throwing, hitting with an open or closed hand, restraining, blocking, choking, hitting with objects, kicking, burning, using weapons, etc.
  2. Sexual Abuse: Pressured, coerced, or physically forced sex.
  3. Psychological Abuse: Acts of violence against others, property or pets; Intimidation through threats of violence against victims, children, others, or self, as well as through yelling, stalking, and hostage taking; Physically or psychologically isolating victims from family, friends, community, culture, accurate information, etc.; Attacks against victim's self-esteem and competence, forcing victims to do degrading things, controlling victim's activities, etc.; Alternating use of indulgences, promises, gifts, being affectionate.
  4. Economic Coercion: Control of funds, spending family funds, not contributing financially to family, withholding funds, etc.: Control of victim's access to resources: money, health insurance, transportation, employment, housing, etc.
  5. Use of Children to Control Victim: Interrogating children about victim's activities, forcing child to participate in physical or psychological abuse of adult victim, using children as hostages, using visitation with children to monitor adult victim, undermining parenting of adult victim, custody or visitation fights, etc.

Contact Information

Office of the City Prosecuting Attorney
909 West Mallon Avenue
Spokane, Washington 99201

Phone: 509.835.5988
Fax: 509.835.5927

Prosecutor's Office hours:
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Police Records Request

As a courtesy, the City Prosecutor's office will provide Police Records to private defense attorneys and pro se defendants only by utilizing the online submission process link below. This is not a request for discovery. If you wish to receive discovery (i.e., body camera footage, pictures, 911 tapes, etc.), please file a formal discovery demand and serve it on our office per CrRLJ 4.7 and 8.4. If you are a victim, witness or otherwise associated with the case and want to obtain records, you must file a Public Records Request with the City of Spokane. Information on Public Records can be located at Spokane Washington Public Records Request Center.