Reminder: Winter once-per-month green carts collection and Christmas Tree pickup is this week, January 6th – 10th, on your regularly scheduled pickup day. This is the final week for Christmas Tree pickup. Please have your carts and tree out at the point of collection by 6 AM on your collection day.

Spokane Mayor David Condon issued the following statement about the loss of Marine Sgt. Jacob M. Hess:

“Spokane is saddened today by the loss of Marine Sgt. Jacob M. Hess of Spokane who died while serving his country in Afghanistan. We are grateful for the brave and selfless sacrifice Sgt. Hess made for our freedom and offer our deepest condolences to his family.

I have gotten to know his mother, Keirsten, through the Red Cross and the work she does as the regional director of the Services to Armed Forces program. Today it is our turn to stand as a community behind Keirsten and her family as she has done so many times before for others in Spokane.”