Latest Media Statements


Council Members Dillon and Navarrete Respond to Acts of Vandalism

3:59 p.m. - Council Members Dillon and Navarrete have issued the following statements in response to the acts of hate against the Plymouth Congregational Church.

Nov. 6

Council President Responds to Passage of Community Safety Tax

10:58 a.m. - A statement from Council President Betsy Wilkerson regarding the passage of the Community Safety Sales Tax.

Mayor Brown Applauds Passage of Proposition 1

10:08 a.m. - Mayor Lisa Brown released a statement on the passage of Proposition 1.

Sept. 12

Mayor Brown releases statement on behavioral health services

11:21 a.m. - The City of Spokane is no longer pursuing the purchase of the property on E. Springfield for the relocation of Compassionate Addiction Treatment.

June 28

Mayor Brown Statement on Grants Pass V. Johnson Ruling

12:09 p.m. - Mayor Lisa Brown released a statement on the Supreme Court’s ruling in the City of Grants Pass v. Johnson case.

May 20

Mayor Brown's Statement on Downtown Shooting

8:24 a.m. - Mayor Lisa Brown issued a statement regarding Saturday night’s downtown shooting.

May 16

Mayor Brown Condemns Pride Mural Defacement

12:42 p.m. - Spokane Pride mural defaced overnight

April 25

Council Member Lili Navarrete Condemns Racist Propaganda in Spokane

9:47 a.m. - Council Member Lili Navarrete of District 2 issued a statement in response to recent racist posters in Downtown Spokane.

Feb. 13

Mayor Brown Statement on Recent Officer Involved Shootings

8:04 a.m. - Mayor Lisa Brown issued a statement on the recent officer involved shootings.

Jan. 3

Mayor Brown's Statement Regarding Spokane Fire Department

1:59 p.m. - Mayor Lisa Brown releases statement regarding SFD