Garbage and curbside recycling pickup will be a day late starting Wednesday, with Friday's pickup occurring on Saturday due to the Christmas holiday. Please have your carts out at the point of collection by 6 AM on your collection day. See more information regarding other City closures.

Statement from Spokane elected leaders on the presence of armed vigilantes during protests in Spokane:

We, as elected leaders from the Spokane community, declare that we oppose the presence of armed vigilantes’ roaming the streets of our city. 

The past two weekends, during and after protests in downtown Spokane sparked by the murder of George Floyd and others, armed vigilantes were observed individually and in groups around downtown Spokane. Their presence did not contribute positively in any way to the protests. In fact, their presence made the situation more tense and our city more dangerous for all involved.

We strongly condemn the presence of armed vigilantes and find their actions contrary to the values of our community. The tactics used to intimidate and put fear in the citizenry, businesses and people peacefully protesting against personal and systematic racism and promoting justice have no place in our City.

Signed by,

Senator Andy Billig

Representative Timm Ormsby

Representative Marcus Riccelli

Mayor Nadine Woodward

Council President Breean Beggs

Council member Candace Mumm

Council member Karen Stratton

Council member Lori Kinnear

Council member Kate Burke

Council member Michael Cathcart

Council member Betsy Wilkerson

County Auditor Vicky Dalton

School board member Nikki Lockwood

School board member Jenny Slagle

School board member Kevin Morrison

School board member Mike Wiser