Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.
Alisha Richart

Leaving a Legacy of Healthy Neighborhoods

Alisha Richart, e-Marketing Assistant, Spokane Parks and Recreation, No Phone Number Available

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 at 10:46 a.m.

Leaving a Legacy of Healthy Neighborhoods

As a committed volunteer, Jeanette Harras was a Logan Neighborhood Community Assembly representative, a council chair, and an advocate with a vision to help the community. One of her many contributions to the Logan Neighborhood was the idea of having exercise equipment for senior citizens installed in Mission Park. She worked closely with the Parks and Recreation Division to make the idea a reality.

The newly installed equipment is located on the southwest corner of Mission Park, near the intersection of Sharp Ave. and Superior Street. There are now five exercise machines that allow community members to do dips, pull ups, chest presses, step-ups, cross training, and much more. This equipment is for everyone, of course, but is particularly geared toward seniors to help them stay active and healthy. This is one more attraction for Mission Park, one of Spokane's most popular parks and gathering places.

The equipment was paid for through Community Development funds (CDBG grants) that Jeanette and the Logan Neighborhood diligently applied for. Sadly, Jeanette passed away in January of 2015. Her close friend Colleen Cahalan, also an active community volunteer, worked with the Parks department to get a dedication plaque designed and installed on one of the new exercise machines. The City's Parks and Recreation Division dedicated the finished equipment to Jeanette in honor of her incredible vision and her years of volunteer service to benefit the Logan Neighborhood and the City of Spokane. The dedication took place on Oct. 20th, 2015 with Jeannette's family, City Staff, and many of her friends in attendance.

  • Mission Park Exercise Equipment
  • Colleen Cahalan
  • Mission Park Exercise Equipment Dedication

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