Blog Posts for Week of Sunday, April 28, 2019

May 2

A community coming together addressing the Opioid Crisis

3:48 p.m. - Opioid informational opportunity available next week on Tuesday, May 7, 5-8 p.m. at Riverside Place Auditorium in Spokane.

Buying a House, Get Educated

1:56 p.m. - Homebuyer education course gets you ready for the responsibility of owning a home

May 1

Innovation Alleyways: First Friday Open House

4:56 p.m. - Participants who stop by First Friday can win gift cards to local businesses!

Expo 74 Butterfly Takes Wing

1:33 p.m. - Watch 3:28 - Remodeled sculpture more responsive in wind.

April 30

Spokane In Motion: Learn More about Innovative Cycling Infrastructure

4:44 p.m. - Spokane welcomes Troels Andersen, bicycle program manager from Odense, Denmark!

April 29

From Prison to Patching Spokane Streets

2:58 p.m. - Watch 2:50 - City gives former felon second chance in life.