Tim Sigler

Buying a House, Get Educated

Tim Sigler, Senior Manager – Community, Housing and Human Services Department, 509.625.6055

Thursday, May 2, 2019 at 1:56 p.m.

Buying a House, Get Educated

It isn’t just a house you buy, it’s everything else that goes along with it. From yard needs to appliance replacement budgets, owning a home comes with more expenses than just the house payment. Understanding all the costs will prepare someone to be a more successful and stable homeowner.

A homebuyers’ education course provides information on just about every aspect of buying a property from start to finish. You’ll not only receive information on the financial side, you’ll also learn about preparing for a purchase, closing on a mortgage and being a successful homeowner. Purchasing a home involves more than the upfront cost of a down payment and closing costs. There’s also ongoing maintenance and repairs. By going through a course, you’ll learn the good and the bad about ownership, which can help you decide if you’re ready for the responsibility.

You’ll also learn about minimum credit scores to qualify for different home loan programs, plus tips to improve your credit and qualify for the most favorable interest rate. These courses teach the difference between pre-approvals and pre-qualifications, and you’ll receive information on what not to do after you’re pre-qualified for a home loan.

A homebuyer course also provides information about different types of mortgage loans. A conventional mortgage is a popular product, but there are other options available, such as FHA loans, VA loans and USDA loans. Additionally, some community and smaller lenders offer specialized lending programs. You also learn about home loan terms, and the pros and cons of choosing a short-term or long-term mortgage. Once you have this information, it’ll be easier to choose the right mortgage program when you’re shopping around and comparing options.

WHAT: Homebuyer Seminar at The EnVision Center
TIME: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
WHEN: May 13
WHERE: Spokane Resource Center, A HUD EnVision Center,
130 S Arthur Street, 2nd Floor of the Worksource Building

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