Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.
Breean Beggs

City Council Seeks American Rescue Plan Feedback

Breean Beggs, Spokane City Council President, No Phone Number Available

Thursday, July 22, 2021 at 2:41 p.m.

City Council Seeks American Rescue Plan Feedback

The City of Spokane has received over $80 million in recovery funds as part of the Federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Council has established a Recovery Plan Work Group, including Council and Administration representation, that will develop implementation proposals and identify partnerships with City Departments, other government entities, and nonprofit organizations for the effective delivery of funds to the community in alignment with the requirements of the (ARPA). As part of this process, it is important that we hear the community’s ideas and suggestions on how we allocate and spend recovery dollars.

A framework for allocating these funds, adopted by City Council in Resolution 2021-0045, establishes that the federal recovery funds will be allocated with four main purposes:

Purpose 1: Replenish lost City government revenues due to the pandemic to drive catalytic investments and to restore COVID-curtailed services that will move the city forward and increase our resiliency.

Purpose 2: Reach out to community partner organizations to fund initiatives that will remedy the damage caused by the pandemic with investments that will support future growth and opportunities.

Purpose 3: Resiliency for Spokane – as we bounce back, we must make significant investments in forward-thinking initiatives that will create long-term, sustainable growth, and stability for the City of Spokane and all its community members; and

Purpose 4: Relief for residents and businesses that have been left behind by other relief programs.

Take Action!

Community feedback will help guide our decisions and move us in the direction of economic empowerment and recovery for Spokane. Using the link below, you will be directed to a ThoughtExchange platform where your thoughts matter. ThoughtExchange is a new tool that Council has to engage Spokane residents and find out what matters most to you. Please give it a try and let us know if you have feedback on this first step of our public engagement process.

Learn More:

Feel free to watch our video on more insight and ways Council looks to work with the community regarding economic recovery in the latest Council Connection. More information about the ARPA can be found on the AWC website.

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