Reminder: Winter once-per-month green carts collection and Christmas Tree pickup is this week, January 6th – 10th, on your regularly scheduled pickup day. This is the final week for Christmas Tree pickup. Please have your carts and tree out at the point of collection by 6 AM on your collection day.
Kirstin Davis

Free Parking Perks During Renovation

Kirstin Davis, Communications Manager, Community & Economic Development, 509.625.7773

Monday, February 21, 2022 at 5:17 p.m.

Free Parking Perks During Renovation

As the City prepares for new devices to arrive and begin installation, areas of on-street paid parking are currently offline and not operational. There are areas of downtown with meters that have clear plastic bags on them and are signed “Change is Coming” to indicate they are currently not operational. These on-street parking spaces are temporarily FREE to park in until upgraded devices are installed in the spring. Parking customers are reminded that the 24-hour rule is still in effect for these offline meters and a vehicle must be moved within 24 hours of being parked. Once the new meters are installed, paid parking rates and enforcement will resume. This is all part of the City of Spokane’s on-street paid parking renovation to make parking EASY, ACCESSIBLE, and CONVENIENT!

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