
Climate Planning

The City of Spokane is embarking on a transformative journey to address the pressing challenges posed by climate change. As part of this effort, we're undertaking a major update to our Comprehensive Plan, a foundational document guiding the city's growth and development. This update, mandated by the Washington State Growth Management Act and due in 2026, presents a unique opportunity to integrate climate considerations into every aspect of our city's future.

What's Happening?

Spokane Pavilion Summer

The City of Spokane has hired a robust and experienced consultant team to help lead our climate planning efforts. This team is led by BERK Consulting with supporting consultants Cascadia Consulting Group, Kauffman & Associates Inc, Parametrix, and Fehr & Peers.

Coming Up
Throughout 2024 and 2025, we will be working through a process to understanding Spokane's unique climate impacts and hazards, gather data and community feedback, and conduct analysis on our climate risk and community vulnerabilities.

With climate planning, we will work to:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled
  • Foster community preparedness, response and recovery efforts to climate impacts and natural hazards
  • Prioritize environmental justice to avoid worsening disparities
  • Engage overburdened communities who face the greatest risk to climate impacts

Climate change isn't just a distant threat—it's already affecting our community in tangible ways, from more frequent and severe heatwaves to disruptions in our natural landscapes and ecosystems. By integrating climate resilience and greenhouse gas reduction strategies into our Comprehensive Plan, we're taking proactive steps to safeguard our city's well-being and ensure a thriving, sustainable future for all residents.

WA Department of Commerce has published the Final Guidance for Climate Planning that outlines the requirements in greater detail. Visit the Commerce's Climate Program website for more information.

How Does Climate Planning Relate to the Comprehensive Plan?

Our Comprehensive Plan serves as the roadmap for Spokane's future growth and development. The WA Legislature adopted HB 1181 in 2023 that added a requirement for cities to include a climate element into the comprehensive plan. By integrating climate considerations into this plan, we're not only addressing immediate challenges but also laying the foundation for a more sustainable and resilient city in the years to come. From land use and transportation to housing and economic development, every aspect of the Comprehensive Plan will reflect our commitment to climate action.

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Why Does it Matter?

Climate change affects everyone, regardless of age, background, or socioeconomic status. By proactively addressing climate risks and vulnerabilities, we can:

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Protect Our Community

Climate-resilient infrastructure and policies can help mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events, reduce risks to public health, and safeguard our homes and businesses.

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Preserve Our Environment

By reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable practices, we can protect our natural resources, safeguard biodiversity, and preserve the beauty of our region for future generations.

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Promote Equity and Justice

Climate change disproportionately impacts vulnerable communities, exacerbating existing inequalities and injustices. By centering equity in our climate planning efforts, we can ensure that all residents have access to the resources and support they need to thrive.

How Can I Help?

  • Stay Informed: Follow us on social media and sign up for email updates to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in our climate planning efforts. Knowledge is power, and your engagement helps drive positive change.
  • Attend Events: Look out for upcoming community workshops and events throughout 2024 and 2025 to chat, share information, and hear your thoughts on climate planning.
  • Share Your Voice: Your input is crucial in shaping our city's response to climate change. Join us for community workshops, town hall meetings, and online surveys to share your ideas, concerns, and priorities.

Stay Informed

Sign up for email updates to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in our climate planning efforts.

Contact Information

Got questions or ideas? Reach out to our team members for more information.

Tirrell Black
Assistant Planning Director

Maren Murphy
Senior Planner (Climate Element)

Climate Commitment Act

Climate Commitment Act Logo

The WA Department of Commerce climate planning grant is supported with funding from Washington’s Climate Commitment Act. The CCA supports Washington’s climate action efforts by putting cap-and-invest dollars to work reducing climate pollution, creating jobs, and improving public health. Information about the CCA is available on their website.

Related Links