Signals and Lighting

The Signals and Lighting Section of the Street Department performs all preventive and corrective maintenance functions for every traffic control device within the City of Spokane. Crews normally work split shifts between the hours of 5 AM to 4 PM weekdays, but also respond when needed for emergency repairs on a 24/7 basis (call 509.625.7733 nights and weekends/holidays).

This is a general listing of all traffic control devices currently maintained:

  • 253 - Signalized Intersections
  • 15 - Flasher-Equipped School Crossings
  • 12 - Four Way Flashers
  • 11 - Railroad Viaduct Clearance Flashers
  • 3 - “STOP” Sign Flashers
  • 1 - “Advance Signal Ahead” Flasher
  • 1 - Traffic Delineator Flasher
  • 1 - Fire Station Emergency Response Signals
  • 14 - Permanent Count Stations
  • 10 - Fire Stations With Hard-wired Preemption
  • 37 - Opticom Fire Preemption
  • 4 - Railroad Crossing Preemption
  • 27 - PTZ Traffic Cameras
  • 36 - “20 MPH When Flashing” Zones (2 per location)


Most traffic signal lights within the City of Spokane are controlled and monitored by a central computer located inside the Operations Complex. The computer adjusts the signal timing and coordination to match the predominate traffic patterns on the City's arterial roadway system which is primarily determined by historical data obtained by frequent vehicle traffic counts. As a general rule, traffic flow is optimized for inbound directions in the morning and set for outbound patterns in the afternoon.

Street Lights

The Section maintains approximately 2,600 roadway lights in various areas throughout the City. These include all the lights in the central core area of downtown, most bridges and tunnels or viaducts and all luminaires mounted on traffic signals. The remaining streetlights are maintained by Avista Utilities.

The City of Spokane is an active member of the Inland Empire Utility Coordinating Council (our local One-Call organization). Signals and Lighting crews perform utility locates to protect our signal, lighting and communication infrastructure whenever excavators are doing work near our utilities.

To inquire about the installation of a street light, contact our office by phone at 509.232.8800 or email at

Cable Plant

Signals & Lighting crews install and maintain a wide-area communications cable plant totaling more than 40 miles of underground and aerial lines utilizing both copper and fiber conductors. This communications plant is used for the distribution of traffic signal telemetry, computer data services, telephone communications and alarm monitoring functions for many City departments.

For questions or comments, please call 509.232.8801.

Surplus Equipment

Occasionally Signals & Lighting has surplus equipment for sale.

No Surplus Equipment available at this time.

Signs & Markers

The Signs and Markers Division installs and maintains traffic signs and pavement markings within the City of Spokane.

If you know of missing or damaged traffic signs contact one of the following numbers:

  • City: Street Department, 509.232.8803 or 509.625.7733 (hotline)
  • County: Engineering and Roads, 509.477.3600

Arterial Striping FAQs

When does the City re-stripe its arterials?
The City of Spokane re-stripes its arterials every year between April and October. The City striping crew typically begins striping the arterials in the downtown core. Once the downtown core is complete they proceed to Division and other arterials. The arterial painting schedule is generally prioritized by traffic volume and other considerations. Road construction projects and maintenance schedules are taken into consideration when scheduling arterial striping.

Why doesn't the City begin striping arterials as soon as the snow melts from the streets in late winter or early spring?
The length of the painting season is dictated by the weather (temperature, humidity, rain). The paint must be applied in temperatures above 50 degrees in clean, dry conditions. The weather in Spokane typically limits the painting season from April to October. The opportunity for painting is limited in the spring by low temperatures and rain. Our painting crews quit painting in the fall when average daily temperatures drop below 50 degrees.

What type of equipment does the City use to paint arterials?
The City uses one “Long-line” paint truck to stripe all of the arterials in Spokane. Other equipment is used to paint crosswalks and street markings.

Why doesn't the City use more trucks to accelerate completion of the work?
The use of one long-line truck is consistent with other communities and agencies. For example, WSDOT Eastern Region Maintenance Department uses one “long-line” paint truck to stripe all of the State highways in 6 Counties.

References in Spokane Municipal Code and Standards:

Streets Department

Contact online, or by phone at 311, or for outside City limits at 509.755.2489

Items of Interest

  • Street Lights
  • Signal & Lighting