Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

Solid Waste

Solid Waste before and after

Read the Code: See SMC 10.08.010 for the entire code. SMC 13.02.0224, SMC 13.02.0242.

What Is It?

Solid waste includes rubbish, refuse, garbage, discarded items, and all waste materials of every kind and description.

What It Isn't

The ordinance does not include items such as toys, tools or yard art which may present a cluttered appearance are not a violation.


A violation of this section is one of the following:

  1. Class 3 civil infraction when a person litters in an amount less than or equal to one cubic foot
  2. Class 1 civil infraction when a person litters in an amount greater than one cubic foot
  3. Class 1 civil infraction for which the maximum penalty and default amount in five hundred dollars when a person discards a cigarette, cigar or other tobacco product capable of being lit. (RCW 70.93.060)


Accumulation of solid waste, including garbage, refuse, or any malodorous, unhealthful, flammable, or putrescent materials on the premises is considered a public nuisance and is susceptible to abatement by the City, with or without prior notice. These abatements would be at the expense and liability of the premises owner and/or the person causing or maintaining the premises. They are charged based on time, distance of haul, accessibility of staff, vehicles and equipment to materials, number and kind of workers, equipment used, volumes or weights of materials removed or any combination of these variables. The Litter Control crew may trim any trees, shrubbery or remove any obstructions or obstacles to the safe and efficient collection of material to be removed. Any charges for such action may be added to the bill for the solid waste service.

Unpaid charges within 30 days of the service may become a lien against the property as per SMC 13.02.0242.

Contact Information

If you have general code questions or issues please call 311, or for outside city limits, 509.755.CITY (2489), or by email.