Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

About the Spokane Regional Continuum of Care

In the City of Spokane, people experiencing homelessness are provided services that target their barriers and needs to achieving housing stability. This is done through what is called a "Continuum of Care", or CoC. Spokane's CoC provides a suite of services for people experiencing homelessness that is supported through multiple local, state, and federal funding sources.

Broadly, the program is designed to promote community-wide planning and strategic use of resources to:

  • Address homelessness;
  • Improve coordination and integration with mainstream resources and other programs targeted to people experiencing homelessness;
  • Improve data collection and performance measurement; and
  • Allow each community to tailor its program to the particular strengths and challenges within that community.

Each year, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awards CoC Program funding competitively to nonprofit organizations, states, units of local governments, and/or instrumentalities of state or local government, who can subgrant with other organizations to carry out the grant's day-to-day program operations. Spokane is fortunate to have a strong group of partners and stakeholders to support this work.

The WA 502 Spokane City/Count Continuum of Care received a total award of $6,333,005 for the 2024-2025 program year.

Project Component Amount Awarded Project Name
Coordinated Entry $205,963 WA0330 SNAP Singles Homeless Coordinated Assessment
Coordinated Entry $207,018 WA0373 Catholic Charities Homeless Families Coordinated Assessment
Coordinated Entry $118,977 WA0594 YWCA Coordinated Entry Bonus
CoC Planning Grant $267,690 WA0596 CoC Planning City of Spokane
HMIS (CMIS) $197,468 WA0329 HMIS Project City of Spokane
Permanent Supportive Housing $364,518 WA0111 Volunteers of America Permanent Supportive Housing, Off Site
Permanent Supportive Housing $849,735 WA0130 Volunteers of America Permanent Supportive Housing, Fixed Site
Permanent Supportive Housing $223,013 WA0374 Catholic Charities Permanent Supportive Housing, Fixed Site, Donna Hansen Haven for chronically homeless single adults.
Permanent Supportive Housing $229,890 WA0418 Catholic Charities Permanent Supportive Housing, Fixed Site, Jacklin Family Haven for chronically homeless single adults.
Permanent Supportive Housing $188,400 WA0457 Volunteers of America Permanent Supportive Housing, Fixed Site, Hope House for chronically homeless single adults.
Permanent Supportive Housing $226,689 WA0511 Volunteers of America, Permanent Supportive Housing, Scattered Site for chronically homeless single adults.
Permanent Supportive Housing $212,650 WA0512 Catholic Charities, Permanent Supportive Housing, for chronically homeless households with children.
Rapid Re-Housing $524,687 WA0288 Catholic Charities, Rapid Re-Housing for Families
Rapid Re-Housing $201,004 WA0331 SNAP Rapid Re-Housing for households without Children
Rapid Re-Housing $360,191 WA0353 YWCA Rapid Re-Housing for DV Survivors in households with children.
Rapid Re-Housing $362,360 WA0420 YWCA Rapid Re-Housing for Survivors of DV
Transitional Housing $67,755 WA0109 Catholic Charities, St. Margaret's Shelter
Transitional Housing $76,201 WA0126 Volunteers of America, Alexandria's House
Unified Funding Agency $160,614 WA0595 UFA Costs City of Spokane
Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project $892,736 WA0525 Transitional Housing/Rapid Re-Housing Application
Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project $77,214 WA0526 Host Homes Application
Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project $189,450 WA0527 Supportive Services Only Application
Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project $128,782 WA0529 Youth Coordinated Entry Application

Previous year’s awards and reports can be found on the HUD Exchange website under WA-502 – Spokane City and County CoC.

The CoC is governed by a board made up of local government, service providers, stakeholders, and people who have experienced homelessness. The board is guided by HUD and the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) national goals in ending homelessness amongst those who are chronically homeless, veterans, unaccompanied youth, and households with and without children to tailor our community's crisis response system to the needs of our community members facing a vulnerable place in their lives. The CoC board is designed to promote community-wide planning, strategic use of resources for addressing homelessness, and to improve coordination and integration with mainstream resources and other programs targeted to people experiencing homelessness. The Board also provides community leadership to further our goals around improving data collection and performance measurement and, ultimately, tailoring our suite of services to address the challenges the community faces by utilizing our strengths and leveraging partnerships and community support.