Community Assembly

The Community Assembly (CA) is a coalition of representives from the Neighborhood Councils. The CA serves as a forum for discussion of issues of broad interest. Representatives are expected to represent the interests of their respective Neighborhood Council.


  1. Review and recommend an action, policy, or plan to the city council neighborhood committee, the City and any City agency, commission, or board on any matter affecting the city.
  2. Support and promote citizen participation and neighborhood enhancement.
  3. Promote and facilitate open communication between the City and neighborhood councils and provide the primary means of communication between individual neighborhood councils.
  4. Support and assist, as requested, individual neighborhood councils in becoming recognized and in performing their functions and responsibilities.
  5. Serve as an information resource to neighborhood councils.


Community Assembly meets on the first Thursday of every month at 5:30 p.m. Meetings are held in-person at Liberty Park Library (402 S. Pittsburg St.) with the exception of January (Shadle Park Library, 2nd Thursday), March (Shadle Park Library), and July (2nd Thursday). To view the agenda packet for the upcoming meeting, see the Agenda Packets and Minutes.

To get on the Community Assembly Agenda, please send a detailed request including the neighborhood benefit and the suggested time allotment to BOTH and no later than 24 hours prior to the Admin Committee’s monthly meeting (in order to be considered for the next upcoming Community Assembly meeting).

Community Assembly Representatives

To find out your neighborhood representative, please select your neighborhood on the Neighborhood Council page and scroll down to “CA Representative.”

Items of Interest