Do you have a someone in your neighborhood who makes your neighborhood or the City of Spokane a better place? Nominate them for a CA Award!
Your nomination may be turned into a story and featured on City of Spokane social media and in the Neighborhood News You Can Use newsletter.
A Good Neighbor is a City of Spokane resident or organization who has made significant contributions to their neighborhood in order to make it a better place to live. This may include someone who leads a clean-up event or organizes a neighborhood block party, or an organization that sponsors a community-wide block party or graffiti clean-up event.
This is an acknowledgement of exceptional service to the Community Assembly and commitment to uphold the Community Assembly’s purpose and values.
Jeanette exemplified what a lifelong commitment to community organizing and meaningful community work looks like. As an instrumental member of the earliest days of Community Assembly, in addition to being a part of the Logan Neighborhood Council, she advocated for the needs of the entire Spokane community, was a strategic thinker who inspired projects and cultivated enthusiasm. Nominees of this award should exemplify a commitment to community organizing community involvement, selflessness, and a desire to see meaningful and positive impacts in the broader Spokane community.
This award is presented to an individual who has devoted an extraordinary period of time to the CA and/or their neighborhood council over many years, marked by consistent high-quality work. It is generally presented at or near the end of the term of service.
CA Award winners will be celebrated at an awards ceremony. This year’s CA Awards ceremony will be held on Saturday, Dec. 14, 2024, from 9 to 11 a.m. Invitations will be sent to all neighbors who are nominated for the CA Awards closer to the celebration. RSVPs will be required for the event.
Office of Neighborhood Services
Find local volunteer opportunities at Volunteer Spokane.