Garbage and recycling pickup will be on its normal schedule on Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, and a normal schedule will continue throughout the week. Reminder! Carts need to be at the curb by 6 am on your regular collection day. See more information regarding the City holiday operating schedule.

Balboa/South Indian Trail

Chair: Claudette Ganger 909.996.4803

Vice Chair: Stephen Wilson, 509.328.5675

Secretary/Treasurer: Shawn Wilson,

Neighborhood Resource Officer: Vacant

Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of the month, (September through May), No December meeting. 7 p.m. Salk Middle School, 6411 N Alberta St

Community Assembly Representative: Christopher Savage, 509.599.1903

Community Assembly Representative Alternate: Needed

Clean Up Coordinator: Zach Widmer,

Staff Liaison: Gabby Ryan,, 509.625.6858

City Council District: District 3

City Council Representatives: Zack Zappone,; Kitty Klitzke,

Code Enforcement Officer: Rebecca Nelson,, 509.625.6807

Neighborhood Parks: Wyakin Park, North Indian Trail Park

Neighborhood Links:

Neighborhood Boundaries:

  • North: Nine Mile Falls Rd due east along the boundary of North Indian Trail Neighborhood and the City Landfill, then northeast to Indian Trail Rd, to the west rim of Five Mile Prairie, including the Arrowhead Development.
  • East & North: From the west and southern rim of Five Mile Prairie and Strong Rd, to include Excel Ave (and PUD), across Five Mile Rd down to Country Homes Blvd to the City limits, across to Cedar St and Francis Ave.
  • South: Francis Ave (and PUD), across Five Mile Rd down to Country Homes Blvd to the City limits, across to Cedar Street and Francis Ave.
  • West: Nine Mile Falls Rd to the north City limits.

View the Balboa/South Indian Trail Neighborhood Map (PDF 506 KB).