East Central

Chair: Doug Trudeau, doug@trudeaus.com, 509.363.8600

Vice Chair: Vacant

Secretary: Kim Crumpacker, kim@lbstoneproperties.com, 509.939.0056

Treasurer: Debby Ryan, stuebi@comcast.net, 509.534.5105

Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, every month except for August, 6 p.m., Liberty Park Library, 402 S. Pittsburgh St., see Neighborhood Calendar for details.

Community Assembly Representative: Debby Ryan, stuebi@comcast.net

Community Assembly Representative Alternate: Vacant

Staff Liaison: Annie Deasy, adeasy@spokanecity.org, 509.625.6343

Clean Up Coordinator: Doug Schroder

City Council District: District 2

City Council Representatives: Paul Dillon, pdillon@spokanecity.org; Lili Navarrete, lnavarrete@spokanecity.org

Code Enforcement Officers: Dave Lok, dlok@spokanecity.org, 509.625.6806; Jason Ruffing, jruffing@spokanecity.org, 509.625.6529

Neighborhood Parks: Liberty Park, Underhill Park, Grant Park

Neighborhood Links:

Neighborhood Boundaries: Havana Street on the east, Trent Ave on the north, Division St on the west and on the south 8th Ave, Cowley St, Rockwood Blvd, 12th Ave, Southeast Blvd, 14th Ave, Crestline St, the Bluff, Freya St, and 13th Ave.

View the East Central Neighborhood Map (PDF 481 KB).