
Chair: Eileen Kazura, chair@emersongarfield.org

Co Vice Chairs: Crystal Glanz-Kreutz and Jackie Treat, vice-chair@emersongarfield.org

Secretary: Katie Schneider, secretary@emersongarfield.org

Treasurer: Judy Heaton

Social Media Coordinator: Crystal Glanz-Kreutz, info@emersongarfield.org

Meetings: 2nd Wednesday of the month – 6 p.m., Corbin Senior Center, 827 W Cleveland Ave., see Neighborhood Calendar for details. No meeting in January. Potluck held in August in lieu of meeting.

Neighborhood Safety Committee Reps: Ted Stevens, tlcnorthwest@gmail.com; Gee Sutherlin, runqueen@yahoo.com

Community Assembly Representative: Patti Marland-Stevens, patticakescda@gmail.com

Community Assembly Representative Alternate: Jackie Treat, jackiebtreat@gmail.com

Land Use Committee Representative: Bill Heaton, landuse@emersongarfield.org

Staff Liaison: Gabby Ryan, gryan@spokanecity.org, 509.625.6858

Clean Up Coordinator: Jeffery Thomas, jefferythomas5500@gmail.com, 509.294.0055

City Council District: District 3

City Council Representatives: Zack Zappone, zzappone@spokanecity.org; Kitty Klitzke, kklitzke@spokanecity.org

Code Enforcement Officer: Rebecca Nelson, rnelson@spokanecity.org, 509.625.6807

Neighborhood Parks: Corbin Park, Emerson Park

Neighborhood Links:

Neighborhood Boundaries:

  • North: Euclid from Division to Atlantic, Cora from Atlantic to Monroe, Courtland from Monroe to Ash, and Fairview from Ash to TJ Meenach
  • East: Division from Boone to Euclid, and Monroe from Cora to Courtland
  • South: Indiana from TJ Meenach to Monroe, and Boone from Monroe to Division
  • West: TJ Meenach from Fairview to Indiana, and Monroe from Indiana to Boone

View the Emerson Garfield Neighborhood Map (PDF 466 KB).