Lincoln Heights

Chair: Carol Tomsic,, 509.535.3424

Vice Chair: Marilyn Lloyd,, 509.448.0609

Secretary: Carol Landa-McVicker,

Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. Odd months (January, March, May, July, September, and November) are regular business meetings held in person, Southside Community Center, 3151 S. 27th Ave. Even months (February, April, June, August, October, and December) are special meetings with presentations held virtually. (See Neighborhood Calendar for details.)

Community Assembly Representative: Carol Tomsic,, 509.535.3424

Community Assembly Representative Alternate: Shawn Terjeson,

Staff Liaison: Annie Deasy,, 509.625.6343

Clean Up Coordinator: Sally Phillips,

City Council District: District 2

City Council Representatives: Paul Dillon,; Lili Navarrete,

Code Enforcement Officer: Dave Lok,, 509.625.6806

Neighborhood Parks: Lincoln Park, Thorton Murphy Park

Neighborhood Links:

Neighborhood Boundaries:

  • North: South side of 14th Ave from Southeast Blvd to Crestline St, east side of Crestline St. from 14th Ave to the bluff, the bluff (further defined as the south side of the Ben Burr trail) from Crestline St to approximately Fiske St extended, both sides of 11th Ave from Fiske St to Thor St (the East Central Neighborhood Council includes both sides of Hills Ct, just to the north), the west side of Thor St from Hills Ct to 11th Ave, the south side of 11th Ave from Thor St to Freya St, the west side of Freya St from 11th Ave to 13th Ave, the southern boundary of properties along the south side of 13th Ave from Freya St to Havana St.
  • East: Havana St from 13th Ave to 35th Ave, both sides of Morrill Dr from Havana St to Custer St, City boundary south of the intersection of Morrill Dr and Custer St to 37th Ave.
  • South: North side of 37th Ave from approximately Custer St to Perry St.
  • West: East side of Perry St, from 37th Ave to 29th Ave, south side of 29th Ave from Perry St to Southeast Blvd, east side of Southeast Blvd from 29th Ave to 14th Ave.

View the Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Map (PDF 490 KB).