Shiloh Hills

Chair: Clifford Winger,, 509.325.4623

Vice-Chair: Vacant

Secretary: Sarah Winger

Traffic Coordinator: Mike Donahue

Meetings: 3rd Thursdays at 7 p.m., No meeting in December. Holy Cross Lutheran Church, south entrance, 7307 N Nevada (E. Cozza Dr. and N. Nevada St.).

Community Assembly Representative: Jael Stebbins,

Community Assembly Representative Alternate: Cliff Winger, or

Staff Liaison: Amber Groe,, 509.625.6156

Clean Up Coordinator: Vacant

City Council District: District 1

City Council Representatives: Michael Cathcart,; Jonathan Bingle,

Code Enforcement Officer: Jacob McKenna,

Neighborhood Parks: Friendship Park, Hill & Dale Park

Neighborhood Attractions:

Neighborhood Links:

Neighborhood Boundaries:

The Shiloh Hills Neighborhood Council Boundaries shall be defined as the area within the City limits of Spokane, Washington, and more specifically within the following described area: Starting at the intersection of Francis and Atlantic, which is the True Point of Beginning, and extending northerly along the City boundaries, including Holy Cross Cemetery, to Cascade Way, east on Cascade Way to Division, then north on Division to the intersection of Division and Westview, then easterly on Westview to State Highway No. 2, then northerly on State Highway No. 2 to East Hawthorne, then easterly on East Hawthorne to Nevada Street, then southerly following the City boundaries along Nevada Street, including those properties east of Nevada accessed from Westview and Morton Courts, to the intersection of Nevada Street and Magnesium Road, then easterly on Magnesium Road to Crestline, then southerly on Crestline to Francis Avenue, then westerly on Francis Avenue to Atlantic, the True Point of Beginning.

View the Shiloh Hills Neighborhood Map (PDF 415 KB).