West Hills

Chair: Robert Thompson, rtcorderomail@gmail.com

Interim Vice Chair: Ryan Oelrich, ryanoelrich1@gmail.com

Treasurer: Paul Bundy, pfbundy0@gmail.com

Secretary: Bryn McNabb, brynmcnabb@yahoo.com

Communications Director: Joy Peltier, whnc99224@gmail.com

Meetings: Second Tuesday, even months, 6 to 7:30 p.m., Woodland Center, Finch Arboretum, 3404 W. Woodland Blvd., see Neighborhood Calendar for details.

Community Assembly Representative: Kathy Hagy, onwalls@yahoo.com

Community Assembly Representative Alternate: Mike Gifford, mshkg@hotmail.com

Staff Liaison: Annie Deasy, adeasy@spokanecity.org, 509.625.6343

Clean Up Coordinator: Mike Gifford, mshkg@hotmail.com, 509.838.0060

City Council District: District 2

City Council Representatives: Paul Dillon, pdillon@spokanecity.org; Lili Navarrete, lnavarrete@spokanecity.org

Code Enforcement Officer: Dave Lok, dlok@spokanecity.org, 509.625.6806

Neighborhood Parks: Finch Arboretum, Whittier Park, Indian Canyon Golf Course

Neighborhood Links:

Neighborhood Boundaries:

WHNC includes areas within the Spokane city limits that are north of I-90, south of Downriver Golf Course/Downriver Park, west of the Spokane River and Latah Creek (excluding High Bridge Park), and east of the western city limit.

View the West Hills Neighborhood Map (PDF 400 KB).