3:02 p.m. - Mayor Lisa Brown and City of Spokane leadership will hold a “State of Community Safety” virtual town hall from 11 a.m. to noon on November 13, 2024.
10:30 a.m. - The Brown Administration is introducing an ordinance to align with state law on penalties for illegal dumping, alongside a new online dashboard.
8:26 a.m. - Felon arrested for illegal possession of a firearm/drugs after Downtown burglary
10:48 a.m. - A partially renovated High Bridge Dog Park is re-opening to the community on Monday, October 28, 2024 at noon
3:25 p.m. - Suspect in East Spokane homicide in custody
11:34 a.m. - Mayor Lisa Brown is pleased to announce her latest appointments to the City of Spokane’s leadership team.
10:22 a.m. - The Washington State Fire Marshals Association awarded Deputy Chief of Fire Prevention Lance Dahl the 2024 Washington State Fire Marshal of the Year.
8:43 a.m. - Drivers in east Spokane will experience traffic impacts on Mission Ave. on Wednesday, Oct., 23rd, and Thursday, Oct. 24th.